How to write autobiography
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
A Mnemonic Device Can Be Used
A Mnemonic Device Can Be Used The starting improvement of memory helper begins with an artist named Simonides of Ceos in fifth century B.C. This mental helper concocted by the Greeks for memory preparing around 2500 years back. The Greek verse writer Simonides, conceived in 556 B.C., is credited with imagining memory helpers. His creation have extraordinary advantage thought us, numerous individuals achievement is on the grounds that utilizing this mental helper strategy. There do numerous kinds of memory helpers gadget exist and which type works best is constrained distinctly by the creative mind of every individual student. Here are the 9 fundamental kinds of mental helpers gadget introduced in this paper incorporate Music, Name, Expression/Word, Model, Ode/Rhyme, Note Organization, Image, Connection, and Spelling Mnemonics. Mental aides are memory gadgets that assist students with recalling bigger parts of data, particularly as records like attributes, steps, stages, parts, stages, and so forth. Mental helpers gadget attempt to change data into a structure that the human cerebrum can recollect superior to its unique structure. Despite the fact that the way toward applying this change may as of now help the exchange of data to long haul memory however this is still advantage to student. The mental aide ordinarily practice for records and in auditoryâ form, for example, short poems,â acronyms, or noteworthy expressions, yet memory aides can likewise be for different kinds of data and in visual or sensation structures. This gadget use depends on the assessment that the human mind all the more effectively recalls many type of data. In our day by day, we need to recall everything. In school, we need to recall all the information about subject; in work environment, we need to recollect all the data about our assignment, so as to recall this whole thing we need to discover what strategy can improve our memory. In my model, I am scarcely to spell â€Å"mnemonic†, so I utilize the idea o f mental helper and make my assertion, which is â€Å"Mnemonic Notes Effective Memorized on New Ideas Creativity†. From my creation, I realize that each first letter for each word is â€Å"Mnemonic†. Utilizing this technique, we not exclusively can explain those troublesome words and furthermore can recall it. Memory aide assume a significant job in our day by day life, despite the fact that it is significant, it despite everything has their impediments or points of interest and weaknesses. For the upside of memory aides is it give a technique to assist us with reviewing those data which is hard to recall. In addition, it include improving or rebuilding data that help our customize data to turn into a brilliant student. Other than that, it additionally builds our enthusiasm to concentrate by making my approach to learn with data. Ultimately, mental aides will assist us with investing less energy in recovering our data in long haul memory when we appropriately use it. C lose to points of interest, memory aides additionally have some constraint. On the off chance that an individual uses memory helpers too much of the time, the person will have disarray on their learning procedure. For instance, we utilize mental helper to recollect troublesome word, yet the person in question who too broadly utilizing memory helper will utilize this strategy on each word regardless of the word is troublesome or not. This difficult will happen on the individuals who also depend on memory helpers. Also, this memory helper need more opportunity to rehearse, make and learn. On the off chance that somebody despite everything can't comprehend the training, which imply that the individual is simply sitting around idly to rehearse it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Breastfeeding and Population Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 47
Breastfeeding and Population - Assignment Example The mother additionally loses the security against the advancement of ovarian and bosom disease that breastfeeding can give, in a later life. Latest investigations have delineated bosom and ovarian malignant growth as the best populace drawbacks to the female populace. There are various techniques, which are utilized to urge moms to breastfeed their kids. For instance, lactation amenorrhea, which identifies with normal baby blues ripeness that happens when a lady isn't bleeding, is one of the methodologies utilized to urge moms to breastfeed their infants. Through this, breastfeeding is viewed as a populace control method where ladies, in the immature nations, are extensively encouraged to breastfeed for a half year solely, by their administration and other non-legislative associations. Most moms additionally have various legends related with pregnancy particularly in the rustic settings. For instance, breastfeeding can't be depended upon to forestall pregnancy, which obviously isn't the situation on the grounds that different logical investigations and tests have demonstrated this without a doubt valid. Moms, along these lines, are constantly encouraged to breastfeed their kids only through certain exact models to give flawless outcomes. In some high-salary nations, similar to Australia, ladies don't only breastfeed babies for the necessary time of a half year as specified by the World Health Organization. As a rule, they will in general lean toward an early continuous presentation of different types of nourishment like the newborn child equations because of employment pre-occupation consequently no time for the infant.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
5 Screenwriting Tips I Learned From Stranger Things
5 Screenwriting Tips I Learned From Stranger Things When the Duffer Brothers released Stranger Things on Netflix, no one could have predicted the massive cult following the show would receive. With the first episode airing July 15, 2016, Chapter One: The Vanishing of Will Byers, Stranger Things mix of 80s nostalgia and horror was nominated for Best Drama for the Critics Choice awards in its first year. Since 2016, the show has been nominated or has won several Screen Actors Guild Awards, and took home 2017s award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series.Stranger Things Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, and Nancy Wheeler waiting to hear from Will Byers in the upside down.A dynamic mix of 80s classics like Firestarter, The Goonies, E.T., Stand By Me, and A Nightmare on Elm Street (among others), Stranger Things combines humor, horror and childhood in a way that hits home for its audienceâ€"especially an audience steeped in 80s pop culture. As one of my favorite examples of how to write an original screenplay, here are fiv e screenwriting tips I learned from Stranger Things.1. Introduce characters through conflictRight at the beginning of the first episode of the series, audiences of Stranger Things meet an ensemble of major characters that are all uniquely important to the story. Were first introduced to the boys who would be the main cast. Will Byers, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, and Mike Wheeler are playing a game of Dungeons and Dragons and there is immediate conflict in the campaign they are playing. This back-and-forth dialogue between the boys sets up their characters perfectly, allowing the audience to immediately determine which character is the comic relief, leader, follower, and pragmatic one.Throughout this first episode, all of the major characters are introduced in this wayâ€"through a point of conflict with another major character. These conflict-heavy pairings not only move the plot forward in an interesting way, they allow the audience to understand the strengths and weaknesses o f each character through a simple moment of conflict with another (or others). In that way, were given a lot of characterization in a short amount of time, which also helps create immediate empathy for them.Conflict assists in characterization in the opening scenes of Stranger Things2. Dont be afraid of redemptive character arcsNo doubt, Stranger Things starts out with some very fallible, imperfect heroes. Chief Hopper is a great example, as we first see him in the role of a small-town cop who has too many vices, too early in the morning. We get the feeling that hes a wounded man from the first episode, and later find out that he lost a young daughter and is still grieving that loss.His character arc, however, is one of the most redemptive in the series. From these early scenes of Chief Hopper in the fog of depression and addiction to the most recent scenes at the end of season 2, his arc has been one of unlikely hero to decided hero to the Byers family (and Joyce in particular). He then redeems himself further by becoming a surrogate father for El (Eleven), who he protects like his own daughter.El is another character with a redemptive character arc, as she is ultimately responsible for the Demogorgons presence in Hawkins, yet saves the town (and Will Byers) from the same monster. In this dual role of cause and savior, Els motivation to save her friends is believable and effective as a turning point in her characters role. She is angry at the people who experimented on her and achieves justice against Hawkins Laboratory by the end in destroying its research and forcing it to shut down at the close of the second season.Then theres Steve, who is almost unlikeable at the beginning of the series but becomes one of the most heroic figures of the plot by the end of season 2. His surrogate parenting of Dustin wins him huge empathy points among fans, not to mention his honest care and concern for Nancy, despite their break-up.Another subtler, yet highly redemptive ch aracter arc, is that of Will Byers, whose character became much more important in season 2. In season 1, we see him as a scared little boy whose role is mostly offscreen, and a victim of the evils Hawkins National Laboratory was bringing into the area. However, by the end of season 2, he has survived a complete possession encounter with the terrifying new monster, the Mind Flayer, and is the only one who still understands at the end the possibility that the monster is not as far away as it seems. In this sense, his character arc from scared victim to courageous survivor is one of the most redemptive arcs of the series.Will Byers character arc moves from him being a scared victim to a courageous survivor.3. Sometimes less is more with dialogueDuring most scenes involving El, her dialogue is limited at best (sometimes humorously so). However, through great screenwriting and casting, the writers of Stranger Things managed to reveal a lot about her character with very few words used. He r meaningful glances, the powerful image of a nosebleed following her use of telepathic powers, and the way she participates in the narrative without saying much at all bring to mind similar characters, such as E.T. or Charlie (played by a young Drew Barrymore) in Stephen Kings Firestarter.This limited dialogue forces the audience to really focus when a character does speak, and to watch closely the physical responses that character gives. In this sense, the character maintains a sense of mystery and importance, simply by saying as few words as possible.4. Dont forget the power of kids to carry a storyThe movies that Stranger Things draws on are predominantly stories of kids in a world with mostly absent adults. These depictions of childhood friendships appeal to the nostalgic viewers who remember the confusion and harder lessons involved in growing up, particularly when adults were not available or were overworked. It another sense, it reminds viewers of a time much different than the present, when kids could roam freely on bicycles and enjoy a level of autonomy that modern-day parents find difficult to grant.There is also an increased emotional appeal when a story is narrated through the perspective of children or adolescents. One of the screenwriters first goals is to convince the audience to feel empathy for the characters introduced, particularly the main characters. This goal is easily accomplished when the main characters are children or adolescents. Adults watching the story are automatically empathetic to most child characters out of a sense of protectiveness. Add to that the nostalgia and emotions involved with remembering what it was like to be in that childs place, and a screenwriter invites a powerhouse punch of empathy right from the beginning.Finally, telling a story from a childs point of view helps increase the horror aspect if that is the genre youre aiming for. Seeing a monster as an adult is one thingâ€"seeing it from the point of view of a child puts us right back into that primal state of fear we felt as children facing an uncertain world, and the tension is increased.Stranger Things use of the preteen and adolescent points-of-view add emotional appeal to the story (and increase the horror effect).5. Dont be afraid to mix genresIve written often about Blake Snyders Save The Cat! Series, and Stranger Things is a great example of how a genre-mixing/genre-bending screenplay can work. Anyone who is familiar with Snyders ten story patterns or every story type ever told for film will immediately recognize Stranger Things as falling in the Monster in the House category.According to Snyder, when it comes to story patterns, Monster in the House is one of the oldest….and most primal. He also notes that in order for a film to fall into this category, there should be three components: 1) a monster, 2) a house, and 3) a sin.Stranger Things Demogorgon definitely qualifies as a monster. Much of the characters interaction with th e monster takes place in Joyce Byers house. And finally, there is the awful truth of experiments on children that were taking place in Hawkins National Laboratory, under the guidance of Dr. Martin Brenner (the sin).But wait…Stranger Things also has elements of Snyders Buddy Love pattern (between Mike and Eleven), Golden Fleece (in which a team sets out on an adventure and are transformed in the process), and even Whydunit (as Chief Hopper searches for the missing Will Byers and his search takes a dark turn). The Duffer Brothers genre-mixing storytelling approach keeps audiences engaged in Stranger Things for a large part simply because it reminds them of so many other great stories within those genres that are represented.ConclusionUltimately, Stranger Things is a lesson in what can go right in original screenplays when you draw on nostalgiaâ€"particularly pop culture references, a soundtrack reminiscent of the technology of the 80s, and references to the childhood of an audience that likely still pines for it in many ways. Most importantly, it gives us characters we care aboutâ€"set in a time we feel a lot of emotion towards. Its this extra appeal of emotion that makes Stranger Things the valuable lesson for screenwriters that it is. So, dont be afraid to make it part of your screenplay.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
American Civil War Surrender at Appomattox
Having been forced from Petersburg on April 2, 1865, General Robert E. Lee retreated west with his Army of Northern Virginia. With his situation desperate, Lee sought to re-supply before moving south to North Carolina to join with General Joseph Johnston. Marching during the night of April 2 into the morning of April 3, the Confederates intended to rendezvous at Amelia Court House where supplies and rations were expected. As Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grant was forced to pause to occupy Petersburg and Richmond, Lee was able to put some space between the armies. Arriving at Amelia on April 4, Lee found trains loaded with munitions but none with food. Forced to pause, Lee sent out forage parties, asked the local populace for aid, and ordered food sent east from Danville along the railroad. Having secured Petersburg and Richmond, Grant pushed forward forces under Major General Philip Sheridan to pursue Lee. Moving west, Sheridans Cavalry Corps, and attached infantry fought several rearguard actions with the Confederates and road ahead in an effort to cut the railroad in front of Lee. Learning that Lee was concentrating at Amelia, he began moving his men towards the town. Disaster at Saylers Creek Having lost his lead on Grants men and believing his delay to be fatal, Lee departed Amelia on April 5 despite securing little food for his men. Retreating west along the railroad towards Jetersville, he soon found that Sheridans men had arrived there first. Stunned as this development precluded a direct march to North Carolina, Lee elected not to attack due to the late hour and instead conducted a night march to the north around the Union left with the goal of reaching Farmville where he believed supplies to be waiting. This movement was spotted around dawn and Union troops resumed their pursuit (Map). The next day, Lees army suffered a crushing reverse when elements were badly defeated at the Battle of Saylers Creek. The defeat saw him lose around a quarter of his army, as well as several generals, including Lieutenant General Richard Ewell. Seeing the survivors of the fight streaming west, Lee exclaimed, My God, has the army dissolved? Consolidating his men at Farmville early on April 7, Lee was able to partially re-provision his men before being forced out by early afternoon. Moving west, Lee hoped to reach supply trains that were waiting at Appomattox Station. Trapped This plan was dashed when Union cavalry under Major General George A. Custer arrived in the town and burned the trains. As Lees army concentrated at Appomattox Court House on April 8, Union cavalry assumed blocking positions on a ridge southwest of the town. Seeking to end the campaign, Grant had three infantry corps march through the night to be in a position to support the cavalry. Hoping to reach the railroad in Lynchburg, Lee met with his commanders on April 8 and decided to attack west the next morning with the goal of opening the road. At dawn on April 9, Major General John B. Gordons Second Corps began assaulting Sheridans cavalry. Pushing back the first line, their attack began to slow as they engaged the second. Reaching the crest of the ridge, Gordons men were discouraged to see the Union XXIV and V Corps deployed for battle. Unable to advance against these forces, Gordon informed Lee, Tell General Lee I have fought my corps to a frazzle, and I fear I can do nothing unless I am heavily supported by Longstreets corps. This was not possible as Lieutenant General James Longstreets corps was coming under attack by the Union II Corps. Grant Lee Meet With his army surrounded on three sides, Lee accepted the inevitable stating, Then there is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant, and I would rather die a thousand deaths. While most of Lees officers favored surrender, others did not fear that it would lead to the end of the war. Lee also sought to prevent his army from melting away to fight on as guerrillas, a move that he felt would have long-term harm for the country. At 8:00 AM Lee rode out with three of his aides to make contact with Grant. Several hours of correspondence ensued which led to a ceasefire and a formal request from Lee to discuss surrender terms. The home of Wilmer McLean, whose house in Manassas had served as Confederate headquarters during the First Battle of Bull Run, was selected to host the negotiations. Lee arrived first, wearing his finest dress uniform and awaited Grant. The Union commander, who had been suffering a bad headache, arrived late, wearing a worn privates uniform with only his shoulder straps denoting his rank. Overcome by the emotion of the meeting, Grant had difficulty getting to the point, preferring to discuss his previous meeting with Lee during the Mexican-American War. Lee steering the conversation back to the surrender and Grant laid out his terms. Grants terms for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia were as follows: I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of N. Va. on the following terms, to wit: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate. One copy to be given to an officer designated by me, the other to be retained by such officer or officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroles not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged, and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery and public property to be parked and stacked and turned over to the officer appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to their homes, not to be disturbed by United States authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside. In addition, Grant also offered to allow the Confederates to take home their horses and mules for use in the spring planting. Lee accepted Grants generous terms and the meeting ended. As Grant rode away from the McLean house, the Union troops began to cheer. Hearing them, Grant immediately ordered it stopped, stating he did not want his men exalting over their recently defeated foe. The Surrender The next day, Lee gave his men a farewell address and talks moved forward regarding the formal surrender ceremony. Though the Confederates wished to avoid such an event, it moved forward under the guidance of Major General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. Led by Gordon, 27,805 Confederates marched to surrender two days later. During their procession, in a moving scene, Chamberlain ordered the Union troops to attention and carry arms as a sign of respect for the vanquished foe. This salute was returned by Gordon. With the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia, other Confederate armies began to surrender around the South. While Johnston surrendered to Major General William T. Sherman on April 26, other Confederate commands remained operational until capitulating in May and June. Sources National Park Service: Appomattox Court HouseThe Battle of Appomattox Court HouseCWPT: Appomattox Court House
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Tax Implications of E-Commerce in Nigeria - 4601 Words
ABSTRACT This paper examines the Tax Implications of E-Commerce. The issue of e-commerce and its tax implications continues to receive a high level of attention because of the fast growth of e-commerce activities. In the emerging global economy, e-commerce has increasingly become a necessary component of business strategy and a strong catalyst for economic development. The integration of information and communications technology (ICT) in business has revolutionized relationships within organizations and those between and among organizations and individuals. Specifically, the use of ICT in business has enhanced productivity, encouraged greater customer participation, and enabled mass customization, besides reducing costs. Even before the†¦show more content†¦Countries might differ over where the presence of a facility, the location of customers, the passage of title or a number of other factors determines where the income arises. E-Commerce facilitates cross-border transactions and as a mechanism has particular relevance to international taxation. Consequently according to Li, Jinyan(2003) while e-commerce might not introduce any new problems, it is apparent that any problem already associated with an inability to synchronize or inter-relate a variety of disparate taxing systems became exacerbated by a model that facilitates the very types of transactions that result in such problems in the first instance. A fundamental change in existing tax rules does not appear to be requisite. However internet and e-commerce has increased the need for efficient and equitable tax treatments of firms operating in multiple tax jurisdictions. Current procedure used by most countries to allocate the tax base between jurisdictions and to avoid double taxation through a network of more than 1,500 bilateral double taxation treaties, is not only cumbersome, but will also come under increasing pressure as the scope and volume of cross border activities expand sharply. This is because the double taxation treaties are based on the assumption of national sovereignty in tax policy, which will become less relevant as globalization progresses. Most discussions with respect toShow MoreRelatedBusiness and Small Scale Industries9686 Words  | 39 PagesTHE ROLE OF SMALL SCALE INDUSTRY IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA Ayozie Daniel Ogechukwu, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, The Federal Polyt echnic, Ogun State, Nigeria Abstract A business whether small or big, simple of complex, private or public is created to provide competitive prices. Business in Nigeria has been classified as small, medium and large. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Outcome Blank Free Essays
Which song you would like today ? 2. Identify regulatory requirements what underpin a positive environment for children and young people. In my setting we working with different activities such as: We had two activities for mothers Samba and Yoga class every Wednesday besides Cryache services. We will write a custom essay sample on Outcome Blank or any similar topic only for you Order Now The cryache works with the child in two session: In the morning when the child arrive we do activities to be play and snack time, in the afternoon the child to learning Speech and Language assessment and remedial help, this activity we works with children +2 years old. Also we art therapy, dance and movement therapy, chronological therapy, safe space to families when mothers receive information about abuse or domestic violence. These activities we use regulatory’ ECMA and EYES with the children, in the other hand, the safe space in my setting work with CAR-SACS regulatory. Outcome 2 – Be able to support a positive environment that meets the individual needs of children and young people. Assessment Criteria 1 Meet and greet children and young people in a way that welcomes them onto the work setting. When the child arrive at centre one person open the door for him with your parent, then this person give welcome, ask open question, then when the parent living in the child, we star sing welcome song with the children where every child learning the names together. 2 Provide opportunities for children and young people to engage in activities of choice. In my setting we have AnD Space, when we offering therapeutic help for school children aged 4 to 13 years through, the use of art therapy and drama therapy. O Individual sessions Small group work 3 Provide activities and resources to meet the individual needs or children and young people. How to cite Outcome Blank, Papers
Outcome Blank Free Essays
Which song you would like today ? 2. Identify regulatory requirements what underpin a positive environment for children and young people. In my setting we working with different activities such as: We had two activities for mothers Samba and Yoga class every Wednesday besides Cryache services. We will write a custom essay sample on Outcome Blank or any similar topic only for you Order Now The cryache works with the child in two session: In the morning when the child arrive we do activities to be play and snack time, in the afternoon the child to learning Speech and Language assessment and remedial help, this activity we works with children +2 years old. Also we art therapy, dance and movement therapy, chronological therapy, safe space to families when mothers receive information about abuse or domestic violence. These activities we use regulatory’ ECMA and EYES with the children, in the other hand, the safe space in my setting work with CAR-SACS regulatory. Outcome 2 – Be able to support a positive environment that meets the individual needs of children and young people. Assessment Criteria 1 Meet and greet children and young people in a way that welcomes them onto the work setting. When the child arrive at centre one person open the door for him with your parent, then this person give welcome, ask open question, then when the parent living in the child, we star sing welcome song with the children where every child learning the names together. 2 Provide opportunities for children and young people to engage in activities of choice. In my setting we have AnD Space, when we offering therapeutic help for school children aged 4 to 13 years through, the use of art therapy and drama therapy. O Individual sessions Small group work 3 Provide activities and resources to meet the individual needs or children and young people. How to cite Outcome Blank, Papers
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