Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Ethical Considerations for Testing, Retesting, and Make-up Examinations Essay
In most structure in the social system, the concept of giving a second or another chance is widely dominant as applied in lined with different perspective and aim. Most people resort to this approach as their mean of developing their own approach for a better result and more benefit on their part. As an actual example, in the business world, some professional resort to rescheduling of their meetings and presentation because they are not well-prepared or they wish to do something for the betterment of the said meeting. This is mainly ethical and permissible if applied appropriately without resulting to another loss or on the other party. This adjustment is delegated and approved first by both parties involved before applied in the time table. On other fields and industry, retesting also becomes a common system which is applied as inclined to the best interest and result for the involved party. Some companies or organizations appropriately adjust their time table and even repeat some of their procedure as influenced by the realization of better results. Indeed, there are many scenarios in the actual world wherein the approach of adjusting the time schedule is applicable and ethically appropriate based on the nature of the involved event. However, a certain conflict of ethical perspective occurs in the practice of this approach in the learning structure particularly in the educational system. It is common in the curricular system to schedule examinations and testing exercises to determine the learning development of the student and to evaluate their performance on the academic level. However, most student deal with these exercises as mere basis of the institution’s grading system which will influence their future academic performance and their personal capacity. Thus, to achieve better result for their testing exercises, some students resort to using or even abusing the schedule adjustment system for the purpose of gaining better results and advantage for their personal interest. The adjustment of time schedule for examination or retesting is commonly based on the ideal nature of the involved scenario wherein the student might have or will likely missed the duly acknowledged period because of some plausible reasons. This include being physical incapacitated due to sickness or injury, family problems or certain situation wherein the presence of the student is direly needed by his or her family, and others unexpected circumstances which are considered valid excuses to exempt the said student from the said predetermined schedule. However, utilizing false excuses or invalid reasoning to be excuse from the scheduled period because he or she is unprepared, negligent and other unethical circumstance are indeed a form of abuse of this system. This is mainly unethical due to the fact that it creates a certain bias and inequality in the social perspective wherein the student population must take the examination on the schedule dates wherein they are likely risking their interest while other become excused and given extended period to prepare for better result. This approach is indeed unfair in the entire field as the excused student/s will gain more advantage in terms of allotted time for preparation compare to the entire student population. On this ethical conflict, two sides must be critical viewed and considered namely the side of the student population and the side of the isolated student/s excused for rescheduling. For the former, they are given a fixed schedule with an allotted period for them to prepare and for the said exercise. On the said period, they must take the test whether best prepared or not thus, likely risking their interest of getting good marks. The latter on the other hand have also given the same allotted period the same as others however, rescheduling their testing date later will give them more advantage for preparation. Considering this linear view only will already reflect a bias interest on the situation however, an ethical answer will also determine the logicality of the predicament. Thus, it is important in this situation to consider two things in deciding the approach towards addressing the problem namely critically consider the reason behind rescheduling and equal view towards the interest of the entire population. The reason behind each circumstance duly determines its validity and the ethical background of the circumstance. This factor is also important in determining whether the task of rescheduling is indeed logical and ethical depending on the involved nature and elements of the scenario. The facilitator or teacher involved must critically analyze the reason and evidences involved whether they are valid as basis to exempt the particular student for the testing schedule. Thus, to negate the bias nature involved in the said scenario, a plausible and ethically valid reason must given to support the exemption and the allotment of extension for the involved student. Through which, the interest of all involved parties will be equally given and addressed in the involved situation resulting to a fair and just implementation of teacher’s authority over his or her students and the ethical adherence to the primary rules and regulation of the academic institution.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Farhenheit 45
Literary Analysis Could you ever imagine living in a world where books were not allowed, houses were fireproof, and firemen started fires instead of putting them out? Ray Bradbury created this dystopian society of backwards thinking in his novel Fahrenheit 451. When he wrote the book, during the Cold War, the United States was beginning to censor many things and his fear of what it would turn into inspired him to write this novel. In Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury overly exaggerates a future society from where the United States in the 1950’s was heading through loss of humanity from television and the theme of censorship by; yet, the symbol of rebirth detracts from the overall effect of exaggeration. In Fahrenheit 451 Mildred, Guy Montag’s wife, is a mindless human being. She has a television show that she calls her â€Å"family†and she insists on watching it every time it is on. For example when she is arguing with Montag about reading she says, â€Å"Books aren’t people. You read and I look all around but there isn’t anybody!†¦ Now my family is people. They tell me things: I laugh, they laugh! And the colors!†¦ Why should I read? What for! †(73;ch. 2). This quote illustrates the fact that all she does is sit around and believes to be interacting with people, when in fact she is just talking to a television show. When she wants another television installed she tells Montag â€Å"Its only two thousand dollars and I think you should consider me sometimes. If we had a fourth wall, why it’d just be like this room wasn’t ours at all, but all kinds of exotic people’s rooms†(20;ch. 1). This line spoken by Mildred shows the reality of her mindless television show consuming her life and that she no longer thinks like a human being. Society’s goal in essentially hypnotizing its citizens was successful. Any person with sense such as Montag would know that it is outrageous to buy another screen when they cannot afford it. Mildred is a perfect example of a mindless person who allows the government to control her and thinks books are harmful. People like her make this society achieve its goals in censorship by burning books. In several cases the narrator is just as mindless as Mildred. For example, the book burning process is supported when the book states, â€Å"You were simply cleaning up. Janitorial work essentially,†and â€Å"they pumped rooms full of [kerosene]†it is supporting the book burning process (37-38;ch. 1). These statements are guilty of sustaining book burning. Also when Captain Beatty, the chief of the fire department, says, â€Å"I want you to do this all by your lonesome, Montag. Not with kerosene and a match, but piecework, with a flame thrower. Your house your clean up,†it illustrates how he is asking a horrible task be done (116;ch. ). Burning books, the only source of unchanging knowledge, is a horrific task to take on. Burning books is like taking away freedom and because they are no longer physically available humans have to memorize them. When Montag gets caught for having books he runs away. He does such a good job that even the mechanical hound can’t find him. When the search for him is seeing no hope they kill a random man alone on the street. At this point Granger, one of the traveling book men, says to Montag, â€Å"Welcome back from the dead†(150;ch. 3). This quote resembles the rebirth and final transformation of Montag from a regular in society. It detracts from the exaggeration because it symbolizes the life of memorizing books, which is the total opposite of eradicating them. Another time when rebirth is mentioned is when Granger tells Montag about the phoenix, â€Å"There was a silly damn bird called a phoenix back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up†¦ but every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again†(163;ch. 3). This example takes away from Bradbury’s effect because it symbolizes new life, which the government does not want; they want it to stay the way it is. Ray Bradbury creates a dystopian society in the novel by expressing loss of humanity, censorship, and rebirth through many examples in the book. Throughout Fahrenheit 451 everyone is trapped under the government’s supervision except for the ones who are smart enough to escape through the knowledge of books, such as Montag. During the entire novel Mildred is an example of an individual consumed by the government’s rules and loss of humanity from TV.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Bill Clintons Time Line Essay Research Paper
Bill Clintons Time Line Essay, Research PaperIn denoting his purpose to seek the 1992 Democratic presidential nomination, Clinton called for a occupations program to raise the state out of its economic recession, revenue enhancement cuts for the in-between category, and a signifier of national wellness insurance. During the run, Clinton was pursued by inquiries about his character. He was attacked by some for hedging military service and looking to cover it up.However, he won plenty delegates to guarantee his fleet nomination at the 1992 Democratic convention. For his VICE-PRESIDENTIAL running mate, Clinton chose 44-year-old Senator Albert ( Al ) Gore of Tennessee.Capitalizing on the hapless province of the state # 8217 ; s economic system, Clinton won 370 ELECTORAL ballots to 168 for his Republican opposition, President George BUSH. The entry into the run of a strong independent campaigner, H. Ross Perot, a Texas billionaire, made it a tripartite race. No campaigner won a bulk of t he popular ballot, but Clinton won a plurality of 43 per centum, compared to 38 per centum for Bush and 19 per centum for Perot. It was merely the 2nd clip in 28 old ages that a Democrat had won the presidential term.Clinton # 8217 ; s Presidency # 8211 ; First TermDomestic Personal businesss: Soon after taking office, Clinton called for about $ 500 billion in revenue enhancement additions and disbursement cuts. Although Republicans and some conservative Democrats opposed his programs to raise revenue enhancements, Congress eventually gave the new president much of what he had asked for. Clinton besides won congressional blessing for the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ) with Canada and Mexico.However, one of Clinton # 8217 ; s top precedences # 8211 ; wellness reform # 8211 ; met with stiff resistance. Critics complained that his proposal would be excessively much and lead to authorities intervention in the wellness attention system. Clinton had to abandon the thou ght.Meanwhile, Clinton devoted considerable clip to covering with allegations of misconduct prior to his election as president. One contention stemmed from investings that he and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton had made in the Whitewater Development Corporation, an Arkansas existent estate development house. The other concerned charges of sexual torment made by a former Arkansas authorities employee, Paula Jones. These issues contributed to the Democratic Party # 8217 ; s licking in the 1994 midterm elections and helped the Republicans gain control of Congress for the first clip in 40 old ages.But the attempts of congressional Republicans to equilibrate the budget while cutting back disbursement and cut downing revenue enhancements led to a closure of the federal authorities. This angered the American people, many of whom sided with President Clinton, who had opposed the Republican moves. Clinton emerged as the master in this battle, and that success paved the manner for his re-e lection in 1996.Foreign Affaris: In international affairs, Clinton helped convey about an understanding between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization ( PLO ) refering self-government for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. And in the Balkans, he sent 20,000 American military personnels to function as portion of an international peacekeeping force.Second TermIn the 1996 elections, Clinton won 49 per centum of the popular ballot and 379 electoral ballots. His oppositions were the Republican campaigner, former U.S. senator Robert ( Bob ) Dole of Kansas, and independent campaigner H. Ross Perot.First Year: 1997. On the domestic forepart, the president # 8217 ; s first major achievement of his 2nd term was to make an understanding with the Republican Congress on how to accomplish a balanced budget. Despite revenue enhancement cuts deserving $ 95 billion, the balance was to be achieved by paring $ 263 billion from federal outgos, including $ 122 billion from Social Security over a five-year period.Meanwhile, in add-on to the Whitewater probe and the Paula Jones instance, Clinton and Vice President Gore were accused of questionable fund-raising activities for the 1996 run. Clinton insisted that they had acted # 8220 ; within the missive of the jurisprudence # 8221 ; and called for run finance reform.In foreign personal businesss, the president persuaded Russian president Boris N. Yeltsin to accept the enlargement of NATO by acknowledging three former Soviet Bloc states as members.Second Year: 1998. At the start of the twelvemonth, President Clinton set out to construct on his old achievements in the White House by back uping the Social Security system, helping instruction, and reforming wellness attention. But even before he could sketch his ends in his State of the Union message, his programs were disrupted by the latest and most serious dirt to face his presidential term. This contention sprang from charges that he had had an improper rela tionship with a former White House houseman, Monica Lewinsky, and so tried to cover up the relationship. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, who had been look intoing the Whitewater instance, began looking into whether Clinton had committed bearing false witness by denying the matter with Lewinsky in a pledged deposition in the Paula Jones instance, and whether he had tried to acquire Lewinsky to lie in her ain pledged statement in the Jones case.At first Clinton denied the charges, and his protagonists accused Starr, a conservative Republican, of seeking to abash the president, a Democrat. The public continued to give Clinton high evaluations in the polls. But so Lewinsky confirmed the matter in testimony before Starr # 8217 ; s expansive jury, and Clinton was forced to acknowledge that he had non told the truth. Starr meanwhile sent a study to the House of Representatives, postulating that the president # 8217 ; s alleged actions of perpetrating bearing false witness and blockadi ng justness could be evidences for impeachment.Despite this personal convulsion, Clinton continued to play an active function in foreign personal businesss. He threatened to establish air work stoppages against Iraq until that state agreed to collaborate with United Nations reviews of its arms installations. After terrorist bombardments of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Clinton ordered relatiative work stoppages at terrorist hideawaies in Afghanistan and Sudan.In the 1998 mid-term Congressional elections, Democrats won more seats than was expected, bespeaking that a bulk of Americans continued to back up the president. But on December 19, Clinton was impeached by the House on charges of bearing false witness and obstructor of justness. As the instance moved to the Senate for test, popular support for the president grew, doing remotion from office appear improbable.Despite this convulsion, Clinton continued to play an active Ro lupus erythematosus in foreign personal businesss. After terrorist bombardments of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Clinton ordered relatiative work stoppages at terrorist hideawaies in Afghanistan and Sudan. The president besides ordered the bombardment of Iraq when that state refused to let United Nations review of its arms installations. In a peacekeeping function, Clinton helped negociate a Mideast treaty between Israel and Palestinian leaders. Israel agreed to retreat its military personnels from land claimed by the Palestinians in return for a promise to halt terrorist act against Israel. Third Year: 1999. Clinton began the twelvemonth confronting an impeachment test in the Senate ( which, like the House of Representatives, was controlled by the Republican Party by a border of 55 to 45 ) . But the president had an advantage in the Senate, because a guilty finding of fact on impeachment charges requires a two-thirds bulk, or 67 senators # 8211 ; a twelve or so more than were likely to vote against him.On February 12, the president was easy acquitted on both the impeachment and bearing false witness charges, with his accusers neglecting to acquire a bulk on either ballot. But shortly after the Senate finding of fact, the Lewinsky matter caused him farther embarrassment. Clinton was found to be in disdain of tribunal and fined about $ 90,000 for giving false testimony in the Paula Jones instance in 1998. Therefore he became the first president to be cited for disdain.In the thick of his impeachment test, Clinton delivered his State of the Union reference. The president proposed utilizing most of the awaited budget excess to beef up the societal security system and Medicare. But Republicans wanted to utilize much of the excess for a revenue enhancement cut of about $ 800 billion, which the president threatened to veto.In international personal businesss, Clinton launched the biggest military operation of his presidential term on March 25, fall ining other NATO states in a monolithic bombardment run against Yugoslavia. The purpose was to coerce Yugoslavian president Slobodan Miloevi to halt onslaughts on cultural Albanians in the state of Kosovo. After 10 hebdomads of bombardment, Milosevic agreed to retreat his forces from Kosovo. Clinton claimed triumph, and without losing a individual soldier in combat.1992 November 3 # 8211 ; Clinton and his running mate, Senator Al Gore ( D, Tennessee ) , were elected with 43 % of the popular ballot, to 38 % for George Bush and 19 % for Ross Perot.1993 April 19 # 8211 ; authorities besieging on the Branch Dav idians coumpound at Waco Texas resultes in the decease of 76 people [ Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum ]June 18: Clinton gets $ 200 haircut on Air Force One, closing down two tracks at Los Angeles International Airport for an hrJuly 20 # 8211 ; Vince Foster dies # 8211 ; labeled a self-destruction # 8211 ; post-mortem # 8211 ; SnipsAug 19: Clinton announces # 8220 ; Don # 8217 ; t Ask, Don # 8217 ; t Tell # 8221 ; policy sing homosexuals in the armed forces1994 March 14 # 8211 ; Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell announces his surrender1995 April 19 # 8211 ; bombardment of federal builing in Oklahoma City consequences in the decease of 168 people.June # 8211 ; Monica Lewinsky, 21, comes to the White House as an unpaid houseman in the office of Chief of Staff Leon Panetta.1996 April 3 # 8211 ; Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown dies in a plane clang near Dubrovnik, Croatia. Botched Investigation? A Cover up?August 22. President Clinton marks the Personal Responsibili ty and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. Welfare Reform TimelineNov # 8211 ; Clinton wins reelection to 2nd term with at popular ballot of 45,628,667 ( Bob Dole 37,869,435 )1997 February 25 # 8211 ; The nightlong Guest List # 8211 ; released by the Clinton Administration Clinton # 8211 ; acknowledges he personally encouraged honoring DNC givers with nightlong corsets at the Lincoln Bedroom.October # 8211 ; Jiang Zemin Visit # 8211 ; Guest list for the province dinner and comments1998 Jan 14 # 8211 ; Lewinsky gives Tripp a papers headed # 8220 ; Points to do in an affidavit, # 8221 ; training Tripp on what to state Jones # 8217 ; attorneies about Kathleen Willey [ CNN/AllPolitics Investigating The President ]January 17: Did you have an adulterous sexual matter with Monica Lewinsky? ? Ordinal number? Bill Clinton on Record [ ABC News ]Jan 19 # 8211 ; Lewinsky # 8217 ; s name surfaces in the Drudge ReportJanuary 26 # 8211 ; Standing alongside First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and Vice President Al Gore in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Clinton waged his finger at intelligence cameras and declared: # 8220 ; But I want to state one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I # 8217 ; m traveling to state this once more: I did non hold sexual dealingss with that adult female, Miss Lewinsky. I neer told anybody to lie, non a individual clip # 8212 ; neer. These allegations are false. # 8221 ; [ audio ]March 22 # 8211 ; April 2 # 8211 ; Bill Clinton takes trip to Africa [ Clinton s Africa Trip ] # 8211 ; GAO survey put the cost of the trip at $ 42.8 million? excepting security disbursals.June # 8211 ; Trip to ChinaAugust 17 # 8211 ; address to the American public rhenium: Monica LewinskyAugust 20 # 8211 ; Clinton orders Cruise Missile Strikes on Afghanistan and Sudan # 8211 ; Credible Misrepresentation?December 19 # 8211 ; House votes to Impeach Clinton [ Documents Center University of Michigan Library ]1999 May 7 # 8211 ; US planes bomb Chinese embassy in Belgrade # 8211 ; MacLean # 8217 ; s Guide2000 Jan 4 # 8211 ; The Clintons move properties to house at 15 Old House Lane, Chappaqua, NY [ map ]Bibliography # 65279 ; Source S6A ( 10/22/00 ) The Clinton Presidency and the Crisis of Democracy by HowardZinnhypertext transfer protocol: // S6A ( 10/22/00 ) Yokel! News Full Coverage # 8211 ; Clinton Impeachment Aftermathhypertext transfer protocol: // ? hypertext transfer protocol: // S6B ( 10/22/00 ) Clinton test # 8211 ; Interactive who # 8217 ; s who and timelinehypertext transfer protocol: // S6A ( 10/22/00 ) Fairlamb # 8217 ; s Corner # 8211 ; Bill Clinton # 8217 ; s record and returning commonsense to political relationshypertext transfer proto col: //*http: // S5B ( 10/22/00 ) Bill Clinton # 8217 ; s Record As US Presidenthypertext transfer protocol: // S5A ( 10/22/00 ) The Unofficial Bill Clinton Sitehypertext transfer protocol: //
Why Didn't The French Canadians Join The American Revolution Essay
Why Didn't The French Canadians Join The American Revolution - Essay Example Choosing to support Americans could jeopardize the conditions of the Act and leave them at the hands of the Americans. The essay shall look at these issues in further detail in order to set their behavior against the background of the historical occurrences at that time. The essay will encompass a series of historical events that had led to French Canada's surprising reaction to the United States. First of all, a small history of French Canada will be examined with regard to their emigration and settlement in Quebec. Thereafter, there will be a need to look into the French Canadians, social and religious practices; these will be examined against the background of the general social and religious climate in America. The reason for doing this is to establish the reason behind their participation in the 1774 Quebec Act. (, 2008)This will also provide an understanding about the possible differences that could have emanated between the French Canada and the rest of the American population. Afterwards, it will be imperative to look into details that occurred prior to the American Revolution and during the revolution when the French Canadians were requested to join in the struggle. All the communication that occurred between the latter group and the Americans will be examined in detail to reveal why the French Canadians took their stance as neutral parties.... The province was mostly French Catholic at that time. In fact, statistics show that the English speaking inhabitants were British officials or members of the military. (Canadian encyclopedia, 2008)The other small proportion of English speakers in Quebec was mostly located in Quebec's urban centers with the largest percentage of the latter adhering to the Protestant religious faith. In fact, census during the year 1764 indicated that in Quebec and Montreal only two hundred households represented Protestant groups. (Parker, 1983) It is also imperative to realize that the English speaking population was distinctly different from the French population owing to their economic practices. The French Canadians were mostly interested in agriculture while their English speaking counterparts were largely interested in trade. The English speakers adhered to the following professions Artisanship Inn keeping Commodity Trade Merchant trade As a result, Quebec City itself found that it had become an importer and exporter of commodities. Large percentage of the English traders had arrived in Quebec to provide supplies to British army representatives and officials however, they found that they could engage in fur trade in this area and consequently chose to develop that trade. It should also be noted that in the fateful year 1763, the British had made a proclamation about Quebec. They wanted to treat this area just like any other province within America. The colonizers wanted Quebec to operate under English laws and they also wanted them to have representative government. Despite the fact that a large percentage of the people in Quebec were
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Insurance Risk Securilization Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Insurance Risk Securilization - Thesis Example The insured part of the contract is to promise to pay an amount of money, known as the premium, either once or regular intervals." "Insurance is a device to share the financial losses which might befall on an individual or his family on the happening of special event" (Kaur n.d. p.4). The event can be death of a bread-winner to the family in the case of life insurance, marine-perils in marine insurance, fire in fire insurance and other certain events in general insurance, e.g, theft in burglary insurance, accident in motor insurance, etc. These events may occur any time within the insured period. The insurer has to provide a fixed amount or indemnify the amount of occurred due to the insured perils. Hence, insurers bear a great risk of paying huge amount of fund at any time if the insured peril is occurred. As large as the insured amount and the probability of happening insured peril, the Insurance Risk for insurers is large. Reinsurance is an arrangement whereby an original insurer who has insured a risk insures a part of that risk again with another insurer, that is to say, reinsures a part of the risk in order to diminish his own liability. ... The policyholder is usually not aware that reinsurance has been arranged as no mention is made of it on the policy." Advantages of Reinsurance 1. The original insurer can accept the risk to the extent of his limit. In absence of reinsurance, a person desiring a large amount of insurance will have to take a number of policies from several insurers. The reinsurance contract makes it possible to purchase only one policy from an insurer. 2. Reinsurance makes it possible to accept each risk for the very amount desired by the proposer and to transfer the excess above the 'retention limit' to another insurer. 3. The reinsurance gives the benefit of the greater stability resulting from a widespread of business. By accepting many risks and scaling down, by reinsurance, all those that are larger than the normal carrying capacity of the insurer justifies, certainly in business is substituted for uncertainty through the better application of the law of average. 4. The insurance makes stability in underwriting and consistency in underwriting results over a period. 5. It provides a safeguard against serious effects of conflagration. 6. The reinsurance has the effect of stabilizing income and losses over a period of years. Capital Market The capital markets consist of the markets in which the intermediate and long-term securities of individuals, business firms, and governmental units are issued and traded. Capital markets are frequently subdivided into three parts-the bond market, the mortgage market, and the stock market. On the other word, capital market is the market where "long-term capital is raised by industry and commerce, the government, and local authorities" (Barclays Capital-Campus Recruitment, n.d.). The Glossary of Capital Market states that
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Web content Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Web content - Essay Example In order to close important foreign deals and clearly get your message across, excellent translation services are what you need. Our standards and work ethics guarantee that your needs will be met and your questions will be answered at the shortest time possible. So, if quality translation at a very reasonable fee is what you are looking for, then browse through our website so you can learn more about what we can offer you. Because here at Titan Translations, your needs are our needs (this could be your tagline or if you have already created one then just replace it). We at Titan Translations provide you with multi-lingual professionals who can efficiently understand the full meaning of what you are saying and paraphrase it into your chosen language. Our expert interpreters can completely interpret your ideas into the language of your choice clearly and accurately. We have the best multi-lingual writers and researchers who can directly and accurately translate any legal, medical, and technical documents. We also offer web content translations to optimize your websites. Our highly qualified translators are more than capable of writing, translating, and composing grammatically correct texts in more than 70 languages. We also provide audio/video transcriptions for various purposes like creating subtitles for a movie in different languages. Our highly competent languages experts can directly transcribe, interpret, and translate both formal and colloquial conversations. I suggest you get at least 3 short testimonials (direct quotations) from satisfied customers in any of the top languages you offer. You need to place their names (even just first names) and occupations in relation to the Our Customers page. The road towards a successful foreign deal, a profitable export contract, a solid legal document, a highly detailed technical report, an understandable medical paper, and a foolproof
Friday, July 26, 2019
Marketing Products Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing Products - Assignment Example On the other hand, the company also ensures that its product is of high quality in order for other consumers to purchase its products as opposed to those of the competitors. Therefore, the key product offered is beer. The product has been the key product for the company for a number of years now. However, in order for the company to diversify the number of customers that it serves, it also includes other beverages in order to accommodate customers who might not be comfortable with drinking beer. However, the company manufactures beer only while it outsources the other beverages. The major characteristic of beer is that it requires a large number of raw materials such as sugar and water. Water is one scarce commodity that is very costly to the company since; it is not readily available. In addition, the sales of beer are also characterized by seasonal changes. For instance, the sales are always at peak during end month, and low pick during mid-month. This is due to the fact that; indi viduals tend to overspend when they have a lot money at their disposal. Beer is also a product that is not easy to market, this is because; it is not every individual in the society who takes beer. The service component that is associated with the product offered by BERVET is mainly entertainment. The company ensures that its customers are well entertained by the drinks that they serve. The company mainly promotes entertainment to promote its products to the customers. Therefore, customers will be mainly attracted to purchase the goods in search of entertainment. Therefore, entertainment is like an additional service that is offered to the consumers who purchase beer that is manufactured by BERVET. The service will greatly aid in enhancing the product through attracting the number of persons that purchase beer for the company. This way, the company will be able to also attract customers who do not take beer. Thus, other beverages offered will also have obtained market through the se rvice. The service will also help in creating appositive image for the product. This is because; the company will be able to compete well with its competitors since; customers will find services that are not available from the competitors. Therefore, when more customers are attracted, the company’s sales will increase by a large amount (Wood, 2003). Currently, BERVET Company has already developed more than 5 product lines. However, the company can still be able to expand its product line in order to increase its sales of beer. This will be mainly through innovation. The company could come with new ideas of brewing different types of beers. This way, it will be able to come up with different types of products. Expanding of the product line can be done in terms of gender, age and income earning range. This is where by, individuals of different age groups will be targeted differently from individuals of different age groups. In addition, persons earning different levels of in come will be targeted differently. This will also be accomplished through innovation since; the company could come up with expensive products that will be meant to specifically target people that earn high incomes. In terms of depth, the company could increase its product line by targeting a large number of persons to purchase its commodities (Wood, 2003). In addition, it could also increase the depth of its customers by increasing the size of the market, and the amount of
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Socio-Political Factors And Mental Health Essay
Socio-Political Factors And Mental Health - Essay Example Some of these factors include race, culture, ethnicity, gender, social class, and other similar factors. This double burden is referred to as double stigma (Corrigan et al. 2004; Rowe 2005). The double stigma does not only perpetuate the self-depreciation that patients experiences, but it also fortifies the public stigma that is manifested in the forms of discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping against mentally ill patients. In this effect, double stigma heightens the negative impact of the stigma that mentally ill patients experience. Recognising the seriousness of the condition, this study will answer the question how socio-political factors may influence mental health? In attempting to answer the question, the study will focus only on one socio-political factor – ethnicity. This acts as a form of limitation and the focus needed in addressing the query of the study. Ethnicity is now used to indicate, â€Å"the different and unequal experiences of social groups with spec ific social attributes such as language, religion, and dress codes†(Giddens & Sutton 2010, p. 136). Ethnicity is necessary because it is one of the foundations of a person’s worldview (Sue & Sue 2003; Sumari & Jalal 2008). The motivation behind choosing ethnicity over other socio-political factors is the fact that one of the key aspects of contemporary society is pluralism and ethnicity is its concrete reality. In a pluralistic society, there is the increasing tendency that the minority group is viewed from the perspective of the majority group as they cohabit within the same physical space. This creates pressure since there are mark distinctions among ethnic groups. In this regard, ethnicity is pivotal in mental health because of the double stigma that patients in the minority group are experiencing. Its negative impact will continue if it is not consciously addressed. In addressing the problem of this study, the answer is drawn both from the experience of the service user and scholarly journals and books dealing with the issue of ethnicity and mental health. The Response Mental health practitioners have the ethical and moral obligation to respect the cultural context from where the patient is coming (Trimble & Fisher 2006). The increasing multicultural diversity of patients with mental illness increases the responsibility of mental health practitioners in providing the venue wherein the patient’s cultural heritage is included as an integral component in formulating accessible and quality therapy for the patient (Sue & Sue 2003). Nonetheless, it has been observed, there appears to be a gap between the theoretical knowledge of the role of ethnicity and the empirical belief justifying that health care providers have to respect the reality of ethnicity since some practitioners are reluctant to modify their current practices to accommodate ethnicity (Griner & Smith 2006). This situation amplifies the double stigma among ethnic groups. The Wes tern Approach of Self-Disclosure. PA, an Asian and one of the patients in the Community Health Centre, shares, â€Å"I do not understand why I have to tell somebody my fears, my thoughts, my delusions.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Illegal Software Use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Illegal Software Use - Essay Example The 2011 BSA Global Software Piracy Study reveals that the â€Å"Business decision-makers who admit they frequently pirate software are more than twice as likely as other computer users to say they buy software for one computer but then install it on additional machines in their offices,†. The latest study reveals that a number of security breaches come by known hackers. On this numerous reports including patches and software updates are presented. Moreover, a questioned is asked for the presence of relationship between unlicensed software and the perseverance of software is maintained or not? In this regard the CEO Robert Holleyman, president BSA says, â€Å"It can be a security issue.†Furthermore, he states that there is a major cultural problem that leads towards using pirated software and other security breaches. However, in any organization the security lapse can also happen due to mismanagement of its software and licensing. The unlicensed and not properly doc umented software are more prone to provided insufficient support to the organization. According to the Holleyman, the BSA report is founded over the IDC market data. The term â€Å"gold standard†is stated by the Hollyman that supports the sales of PC and software in worldwide markets (GNC Articles. 2012). This information is collected and published by Ipsos Public Affairs. The survey is held between 14,700 individuals that belong to 33 countries therefore representing around 80 percent of the worldwide software market (GNC Articles. 2012). The survey results came up with some astonishing facts. Around forty two percent of individuals had installed he pirated version of software that cost around $63.4 billion (GNC Articles. 2012). However, this cost cannot be claimed as the net loss due to the unknown budget of legal or illegal installed software as mentioned by BSA in the software industry. In the United States, the rate of pirated software is about nineteen percentages beca use it is considered as the most law-abiding country percentage-wise. In fact, for the big illegal software shares in the U.S. market the estimated net worth is approximately around $9.8 billion value. In the second place is China (GNC Articles. 2012). It is said that the country pirates an approximated 77 percent of its software. In addition, this software is of worth about $8.9 billion that stands China in the second place of illegal software after United States. The computer users in China pay out on typical just $8.89 for the legal software and in the United States this figure is around $127 for every computer. According to the BSA these cost figures for the software organizations are representing risk to U.S. economic well-being. This is due to the unwarranted aggressive advantage that is given to the industries thus encouraging them to use the pirated software. Likewise, even at the rate of 19 percent software piracy in the United States poses a major threat to the Information and Communication Technology in the United States (GNC Articles. 2012). Firstly, applications or software coming from a non-genuine source can be infected with viruses, malicious codes, Trojan horse, root kits etc. this imposes a direct threat or risks. For instance, if an operation system has been acquired from a non-genuine source, viruses can be installed with the operating system. Likewise, one cannot trust software provided by the vendor and it should be tested before implementing in a live or operational environment of a bank or financial institution. These fixes can be later on patched by security updates. In case of pirated software, update options are turned off due to the fear of Operating system validation tools from the manufacturers. Once
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Specific Terminology Found in the Health Care Environment Essay
Specific Terminology Found in the Health Care Environment - Essay Example The following terms are directly applicable to the health care system today and in fact play an influential role in maintaining a proper medical environment because they are used to describe various needs of medical professionals, societal issues, and also lean towards what is needed with regard to costs and supplies in the medical environment. For instance, when we think of economics we normally concentrate on business or issues such as home design, and other social areas that are separate from the health environment. However, economics actually is applied to the medical world by the social interactions that are involved. For example, economics becomes a part of the nursing environment in particular when they are trying to increase disease awareness in the community. By focusing on a social aspect of healthcare such as what it takes to maintain a healthy lifestyle then the medical intent becomes one of an economic means that affects the whole of a society. This is wh at economics of healthcare can mean but it isn’t the only area that can be affected by the term. Cost of healthcare can become economic as well if there is a balance of cost versus health care to the public being adjusted in the management area of health care. So the term is actually multifaceted to reach many areas of the healthcare field but basically, has a strong focus in the area of needed resources. Now, macroeconomics while similar to the basic economics of healthcare is still indeed different. ... Cost of health care can become economic as well if there is a balance of cost versus health care to the public being adjusted in the management area of health care. So the term is actually multifaceted to reach many areas of the healthcare field but basically has a strong focus in the area of needed resources. Now, macroeconomics while similar to the basic economics of healthcare is still indeed different. When a person hears the term "macroeconomics" crop up in discussions concerning areas of healthcare the assumption about it is initially different than what it actually is implied to mean. Macroeconomics comes into play when medical professionals are trying to work on plans to decrease problematic areas in health care and make areas become more efficient to the generalized public. It in fact is a term that is often communicated when the cost of healthcare is being discussed as well as when an immediate need for an increased efficiency of care becomes a necessity within certain heal th care sectors. Microeconomics is even more similar to macroeconomics than the regular terminology of economics itself is though they all interlace with one another. Although microeconomics within itself will not be of assistance to doctors in reaching specific diagnosis's, the terminology does play a crucial role when trying to acquire a more fluid understanding of this principle as well as ones relative to it. This is due to the fact that a better understanding of various economic principles can help medical professionals search for more logical methods to improve quality health care in a timely and cost efficient manner to the public. It can also help to find ways of managing resources that are needed more comprehensively. So it is easily
A Railway Journey Essay Example for Free
A Railway Journey Essay I am a frequent traveller. That’s because I am a small town boy from Rourkela studying in the national capital of India. My batch friends who live nearby take every opportunity to go home be that a one day holiday or a week’s holiday. I on the other hand cannot exploit every holiday because travelling takes me 48 hours to reach home. Unfortunately there is no direct train from Delhi to Rourkela. So I have to switch trains in a preferable stop. I usually prefer Ranchi station. From Ranchi to Rourkela there is just one train in the evening that is the 7 pm train. My usual itinerary is that I travel from Delhi to Ranchi via Rajdhani which reaches there at 4 pm, and then I take the 7 pm train to reach Rourkela at 11 pm. I was so engrossed in my studies and exams that I forgot to book my ticket before time. When the holidays came near I suddenly realized that I hadn’t booked my ticket. I immediately opened IRCTC website from my laptop, and saw that my usual train Rajdhani was completely booked and no more tickets were available. I couldn’t risk booking a waiting list ticket so I booked an alternate train which takes relatively more time but I thought I’ll make it. It was supposed to reach Ranchi at 5:30 pm. I thought that I have a reasonable time gap and I can easily make it. Soon my exams got over and the time came for me to go home. To be frank, I usually get bored at home. But the idea of going home, the packing of my stuff, the travel and the journey is what excites me. I said goodbye to my friends, hugged them, and wished them happy holidays. A friend gave me chocolates for my journey and wished me happy journey. I just love this feeling. Since the exams were over they had nothing else to do, so they came with me to the station to see me off. I bought a bottle of Thums Up. Yes that’s my favourite drink. I went on and sat on my berth. I always prefer the side lower when I am travelling alone. There is a sense of privacy and is comfortable as well. I waved at my friends as the train started to move. I was very happy, but my subconscious was slowly telling me that this train better not be late because otherwise I am screwed. My father will scold me for my irresponsibility. Since it was not Rajdhani, its standard was not that good. Moreover I had to buy food for every meals and the compartment was also not that clean. But I knew I can manage as long as I get a charging socket nearby. I have a laptop and I love games. I can pass my time very easily. For some reason I don’t know why, I like to travel alone. One of the biggest and consistent problems faced by a youngster preferably male travelling alone is that someone always will request him to exchange his berth with someone who needs it more. Be that a senior citizen, or a family whose all tickets are concentrated in one area and only one is far away. Whatever it may be, we boys have to suffer. There is no point in booking tickets early if you don’t get the seat of your choice. And there is no way you can say no to them because they are elder people and they make such horrible requesting faces with puppy eyes that you just can’t deny. A fairly middle aged person requested me to trade my seat for his upper berth in a different coach skipping 3 coaches in the middle. I said let’s see in the beginning but later on I had to give in because I had no other option. He helped me shift my luggage and thanked me a lot later on. Travelling alone is some kind of a self-assessment time for me. I analyze what I have done in the past, I day dream a lot in this time and set personal goals. As soon as we cross Delhi and reach Ghaziabad my telecom service (Reliance) initiates the roaming facility and unfortunately my u nlimited SMS pack becomes void. My parents keep checking on me calling at regular intervals. After some point it becomes very irritating because it costs even to receive phone calls. I look at the scenes outside the window. I feel bad when I see the people living near the railway tracks, the slums and the poverty. I stare at the empty advertisements loaded with spelling and grammar mistakes on the boundary walls of the slums and on houses. Now the Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE) came to check the tickets of the passengers. When my turn came I showed him the ticket, he said that my ticket is booked for a different compartment, which has different TTE, so I have to show it to him. I said we have exchanged the seat, but nothing that I said mattered. So I had to go back to the previous compartment and ask that person to show his ticket to the TTE of my compartment. Same thing would have happened to him so he took my ticket. It was an unnecessary exercise and I hated that person for the troubles he gave me. The sounds of children crying and yelling are sometimes intolerable, but there is nothing one can do about it. I try to console myself by saying that I was also like that one day, funny but true. The vendors keep on moving here and there shouting and selling. It’s okay up to a certain limit. After that you just can’t listen to their annoying voices anymore. There is total chaos. So I put on my headphones and listen to music. What a great relief that is! Soon the day came to an end, and I went to sleep early. The next day when I woke up I went out and brushed my teeth. After that I asked the attendant whether the train was running late or not. He said yes, one and a half hour late. I became nervous because then I’ll not make it on time and I’ll miss the connecting train. Hoping that the train will make up for the lost time I went back to my seat and lied down worried. What should I tell my parents if I missed the train? What will I do? Where will I go? Ques tions like these haunted me. I ate my breakfast and read the newspaper that I bought from a vendor. I tried to pass my time but my mind was unconsciously worrying about the consequences. As time passed I noticed the arrival time had crossed, and the train was still running one and a half hour late. My heart started beating faster with every second that passed. Soon the train came to a halt and I reached Ranchi at 6:45 pm. Ranchi has two different stations, one being Ranchi and the other Hatia. I had reservation up to Hatia, but if I had waited for the train to reach Hatia, I would have missed the connecting train. So I took a chance and left the train with my luggage and ran in search of an auto. I found an auto-driver, the first one that approached me. I asked him how much he will take to get me to Hatia station, to which he answered 100 rupees. I said I’ll give him 150 if he takes me there within the next 10 minutes. He being a sport took my luggage and placed it in his auto and I sat and then we rushed to through a different path. I became surprised as to why was he taking me through a different route. He said it is a longer road, but the road is very smooth so we will reach early if he drives very fast. As bad as this nightmare was, it was about to become worse because it started to rain and was becoming very dark. The driver was very instrumental, because he broke all the traffic rules, crossed all the red lights but we reached Hatia at 7 pm. I thought I had missed it. But still I paid him for his bravery and I took my luggage and rushed towards the station. To my surprise I found that my connecting train was still standing on the platform and my previous train had not yet reached Hatia. I took a sigh of relief and then I ran towards my compartment, and took a seat. Just as I sat on my seat, drenched from head to toe, the fellow passenger sitting next to me requested me to trade my seat for his in a different compartment. I was still breathing heavily. But I was so happy that I made it in time that I accepte d. We went to the very next compartment and he got me a lower berth. I was happy that things are turning my way. No one further wanted to exchange my seat. I sat down wiping my face with my handkerchief. Then I called my mother and shared my adventure with her proudly. She was amazed with the story but I could hear my father calling my irresponsible from behind. I could not help but laugh. I would have reached Rourkela by 11 pm. I was thinking of taking a bath and then would sleep. Just when I thought nothing else could go wrong the train stopped at a very small station at 10 pm. Then I saw people coming out of the train. I panicked. I asked my fellow passengers among which a boy of nearly my age. He said that this train has stopped and will restart at morning 6. It is a naxalite-attack prone area. So the train won’t run to prevent accidents in the dark. Suddenly I saw the police patrolling the train. I called my mother and updated her on the situation. This meant I’ll reach at 7 am in the morning. I was literally criticizing my luck. Many people went to the waiting room, but I stayed and so did the boy sitting next to me. We thought of sleeping, but it was unsafe. So we decided to keep up all night. So I took out my laptop and we decided which movie to see from the large movie database I had kept in hard drive. Luckily the socket was running and so was the air conditioner. We stayed up all night watching movies back to back. Slowly the people passing by or the people who heard the noise from my laptop came near our cubicle. They also got interested and sat down. Soon there was a gathering of 8-9 people. The few people who were sleeping nearby started to complain that we should sleep as we are disturbing them. But it was too late to stop now because there were a lot of people who were actually enjoying the movie. So we continued till 6 am in the morning. The train started at sharp 6 am. I reached Rourkela at 7:10 am. I came out and saw my father standing in the platform waiting for me. Finally I reached home. It was a huge relief. Surely it was a journey to remember. The ups and downs and the adventures were memorable. A railway journey surely takes more time and has a lot of problems attached to it, but has a lot of memories attached to it as well. This is one of the main reasons I always prefer to travel in train.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Essay Example for Free
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks, and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Essay The strength of these companies had been growing strong but had a slight decline in recent years. SWOT for the Industry Strength: Product Expansion – many new products have been developed Distribution Channels – Can use convenience stores, grocery stores Able to deliver with carbonated soft drinks Weakness: Price is high compared to soft drinks Unhealthy ingredients Caffeine is not regulated – like in soft drink industry Opportunity: Consumer demand Supplier Channels – ingredients, cans, labels Product Innovation – provides differentiation. Brand Loyalty – taste, image, energy boosting Brand building skills needed 2 oz. energy shots Threat: Economy Scientific evidence that some products are not healthy Effect people with heart arrhythmias and insomnia Mix with alcohol Relaxed Drink Niche – abuse with prescription cough syrup As we look at this SWOT analysis of the alternative beverage industry we notice that there are some opportunities that they have created and are able to use in the future. Consumers’ choices are changing from the standard soft drink to alternative beverages. The key is to be sustainable by building up these products. The main opportunity to help with sustainability is to build brand loyalty. Try building up the knowledge and uses of your brands will help you gain the skills needed to continue building the brand. Porter’s five-forces model reveals that the overall alternative beverage industry attractiveness is high. Some beverage companies, such as PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, have mastered the art of brand building in the alternative beverage market and have been rewarded with rapid growth rates. The rising population of health conscious consumers is increasingly leaning towards alternative beverages that are believed to offer greater health benefits. The strongest competitive force, or most important to strategy formulation, is the threat of entry of new competitors. Competitive pressure from rival sellers is high in the alternative beverage industry. The number of brands competing in sports drinks, energy drinks, and vitamin-enhanced beverage segments of the alternative beverage industry continue to grow each year. Both large and small vendors are launching new products and fighting for minimal retail shelf space. More and more consumers are moving away from traditional soft drinks to healthier alternative drinks. Demand is expected to grow worldwide as consumer purchasing power increases. Another strong competitive force is buyer bargaining power. Convenience stores and grocery stores have substantial leverage in negotiating pricing and slotting fees with alternative beverage producers due to the large quantity of their purchase. Newer brands are very vulnerable to buyer power because of limited space on store shelves. Top brands like Red Bull are almost always guaranteed space. This competitive force does not affect Coca-Cola or PepsiCo as much due to the variety of beverages the stores want to offer to the customer. As a result of this certain appeal, the two companies’ alternative beverage brands can almost always be found shelf space in grocery/convenience stores. Distributors, like restaurants, have less ability to negotiate for deep pricing discounts because of quantity limitations.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Comparison of Beta Blockers Use
Comparison of Beta Blockers Use 1.1 Background Beta-blockers are a medication used to treat high blood pressure and heart problems. They are used by millions of people around the world everyday. In 2004, they were the fifth most widely prescribed class of medicine. Beta-blockers are effective, life-saving medicines with more than 25 years of widespread and generally safe use. There are fourteen beta-blockers are currently available. These included Acebutolol, Atenolol, Betaxolol, Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, Esmolol, Labetalol, Metoprolol, Nadolol, Penbutolol, Pindolol, Propranolol, and Timolol. Beta-blockers are just one class of prescription medicine used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease. Four other classes are commonly used to treat high blood pressure, for example. These include the diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin-receptor blockers. These four plus beta blockers are often used in combination, two or more at a time. Indeed, many people with high blood pressure will require two or more high blood pressure medicines to bring their blood pressure down to a normal and healthy range. Although they are used primarily to treat people with high blood pressure, they are also used to treat other heart conditions. These include angina (heart or chest pain), abnormal heart rhythms, coronary artery blockages, and heart failure. They are also used, along with other treatments, to help prevent repeat heart attacks in people who have already had one, to prevent migraine headaches, and to treat performance or stage-fright anxiety. High blood pressure is one of the most significantly and persistently under-diagnosed and under-treated medical conditions. It raises your risk of heart disease, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, dementia, vision loss, and kidney failure. In most who have high blood pressure, it is a lifelong condition. Yet studies show that only 30% of people with high blood pressure getting the medicines, care, and blood pressure control they need. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of death. Because it has no symptoms and often goes undetected, high blood pressure is often called the nations leading silent killer. Beta-blockers work by blocking adrenaline in the heart and blood vessels. Adrenaline speeds up the heart rate, makes the heart muscle contract more strongly, and constricts arteries throughout the body. All these raise blood pressure. In blocking adrenaline, beta-blockers slow down the heart and reduce its workload. That helps to decrease blood pressure. Choosing a beta-blocker, and its dose, depends on what people need it for. Studies show that some beta blockers are more effective and safer than others for certain conditions. People respond to the various beta-blockers differently. There are important differences in how the various beta-blockers work that will affect the use of them. In effect, beta blockers differ in the type of beta receptors they block (ÃŽÂ ²1, ÃŽÂ ²2, and ÃŽÂ ±) and, therefore, their effects. Non-selective beta blockers, for example, propranolol, block ÃŽÂ ²1 and ÃŽÂ ²2 receptors and, therefore, affect the heart, blood vessels, and air passages. Selective beta blockers, for example, metoprolol primarily block ÃŽÂ ²1 receptors and, therefore, mostly affect the heart and do not affect air passages. Labetalol and carvedilol block beta and alpha-1 receptors. Blocking alpha receptors adds to the blood vessel dilating effect of labetalol and carvedilol. Beta-blockers are generally safe medicines. They have not been shown to cause any serious long-term or irreversible negative consequences, even after many years of use. But side effects are common among people taking beta-blockers. The majority of people can expect to experience at least one. These include fatigue or drowsiness, dizziness or lightheadedness, slow heartbeat, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, numbness, tinkling or coldness of fingers, toes or skin, weight gain, mental depression, disturbing dreams, reduced libido, erectile dysfunction in men, or ability to reach orgasm in both men and women. Most side effects can be avoided or minimized by starting with a low dose and increasing it gradually. Also, some of these adverse effects go away or diminish in time, after body gets used to the drug. Overall, the strongest evidence on beta-blockers links them to a lower risk of repeat heart attack and early death in the aftermath of a heart attack. More than 60 studies have examined this, and all have found a marked benefit for the pills. There is also compelling evidence that some beta blockers lower the risk of death in people with heart failure, preventing 3.8 deaths per 100 patients in the first year of treatment. Therefore, everyone who has had a heart attack should be taking a beta-blocker. Below are the list of beta-blockers that use in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown: No: 1. Generic Name: Atenolol Trade Name: TENORMIN ® Dosage Form: Tablet Strength: 100mg No: 2. Generic Name: Bisoprolol Trade Name: CONCOR ® Dosage Form: Tablet Strength: 2.5mg , 5mg No: 3. Generic Name: Carvedilol Trade Name: DILATREND ®, CASLOT ® Dosage Form: Tablet Strength: 6.25mg , 25mg No: 4. Generic Name: Labetalol Trade Name: TRANDATE ® Dosage Form: Tablet Strength: 100mg No: 5. Generic Name: Metoprolol Trade Name: BETALOC ® Dosage Form: Tablet Strength: 100mg No: 6. Generic Name: Propranolol Trade Name: INDERAL ® Dosage Form: Tablet Strength: 40mg 1.2 Objectives 1.2.1 To list down types of beta-blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. 1.2.2 To analyze the usage of each beta-blockers in Kinik Kesihatan Greentown. 1.2.3 To compare the most commonly used beta-blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown based on the results. CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW From the past, beta blockers is widely use for the treatment of hypertension besides treatment such as stable and unstable angina, arrhythmias, bleeding esophageal varices, coronary artery disease, asymptomatic and symptomatic heart failure, hypertension migraine, and secondary prevention post-myocardial infarction (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). Although some study shows that beta-blockers are not first-line drugs in the treatment of hypertension (Wiysonge CS, et al., 2007) but when initiating a beta-blocker, it is proven to be as effective and safe as initiating an ACE-inhibitor first (Ferenc Follath, 2006). Besides, beta blockers provide similar clinical outcomes and are associated with fewer adverse events than calcium antagonists in randomized trials of patients who have stable angina. (Paul A. Heidenreich, MD,, 1999) There is also evidence that suggest B-blockers are useful in managing angina and reducing mortality after myocardial infarction and in heart failure (H T Ong, consultant cardiologist, 2007) but beta blockers appear to be less effective when used as monotherapy in black hypertensives (Walter Flamenbaum, MD, 1985). Additionally, beta-blockers may be considered as a first-line option in women of child-bearing potential because of concern about foetal renal maldevelopment with ACE inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (British Hypertension Society, 2008). When starting beta blockers, it should be started at the lowest dose, with the dose increased every two to four weeks until the target dose or highest tolerated dose is reached because beta-blockers showed little evidence of useful antiarrhythmic action in the dosage used (J M Roland,, 1979). It also should reconsider in the treatment of hypertension since doses smaller than those recommended are almost as effective and much cheaper. (A K Scott, et al., 1982) On the other side, when beta blocker treatment given as secondary prophylaxis after myocardial infarction it is highly cost effective (G Olsson, L A Levin, N Rehnqvist, 1987). Among all the beta-blockers, atenolol had the most widely used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown because study proven atenolol is more effective than placebo in lowering blood pressure but does not appear to reduce the rates of cardiovascular morbidity or mortality (Carlberg B., et al., 2004). One of the studies also shown that the use of atenolol (started 72 h before operation) is effective in reducing the incidence of supraventricular arrhythmias following elective coronary artery bypass operations in patients with good left ventricular function (R. K. Lamb, et al., 1988). When compare between atenolol versus nifedipine versus the combination, atenolol was slightly better than nifedipine on exercise time, but the combination was slightly better for decreasing the number of attacks (El-Tamimi, H. Davies, G.J., 1992). Anyway, atenolol should be avoided in the early stages of pregnancy and given with caution at the later stages, as it is associated with fetal growth retardation, which is related to duration of treatment. (Lydakis C., et al., 1999) Metoprolol, which shows the second higher usage in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown, is an effective drug for treatment of stable exercise-induced angina pectoris (Arnman K Rydà ©n L. 1993) where metoprolol also can reduce total mortality, sudden death, and death due to progressive heart failure and improved quality of life (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). There is also a study about 62 patients taking metoprolol 100 mg twice daily, nifedipine 10 mg three times daily and the combination in a randomised double blind crossover study, metoprolol was better than nifedipine; the combination was better again (Uusitalo, A,, 1986). On the other side, both carvedilol and metoprolol also showed parallel beneficial effects on symptoms, exercise, ejection fraction, and oxidative stress in heart failure (Marrick L. Kukin, MD, et. al, 1999). Treatment with metoprolol will resulted in lower all-cause mortality than treatment with a thiazide diuretic (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007) but metoprolol did not benefit mortality or ischemic events in a longer-term (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). Although carvedilol and immediate release metoprolol had similar effects on quality of life, but metoprolol improved exercise capacity more (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). Yet, the chronic use of the more selective beta-1 selective blockers such as atenolol and metaprotenol has been shown in several studies to not significantly increase asthma or worsen pulmonary function (J Respir, 2003). Among all the beta blockers, labetalol is among the physicians choice because the efficient hypotensive action, together with apparent freedom from maternal and fetal side-effects, and consequent improved perinatal mortality, suggest that it is a suitable drug for use in pregnancy complicated by hypertension (C A Michael, 1979). Besides, labetalol appears to be better able to prevent the appearance of fetal growth retardation compare to atenolol (Lardoux H, et al., 1983). The most significant effect is when comparing side-effect liabilities, it is clear that quantitatively labetalol produces no greater burden of side-effects than drugs of the ÃŽÂ ²-adrenoceptor-blocking group (B. N. C. Prichard D. A. Richards 1982). It also may be considered relatively safer then pure non-selective beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs in patients with airways obstruction (S H Jackson D G Beevers 1983). Among the incidence of side-effects, was similar with atenolol, metoprolol and pindolol but was slightly less with labetalol (J J McNeil W J Louis 1979). Of all this reason, labetalol become one f the common prescribe drug for pregnant women. For the next drug, propranolol, it should be used with care in patients with known vascular disease (P D McSorley D J Warren 1978). Carvedilol which is other beta blockers has a powerful antiarrhythmic effect, where a study shows after AMI, even in patients already treated with an ACE inhibitor, carvedilol suppresses atrial as well as ventricular arrhythmias in these patients (McMurray, J., et al., 2005). It also may adversely affect recovery from severe hemorrhagic shock (Taniguchi T., et al., 2009). Next, carvedilol is the only beta blocker shown to reduce mortality in post-MI patients who are already taking an ACE inhibitor (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). In one of the study also shown that administering carvedilol in addition to conventional therapy reduces mortality and attenuates myocardial remodelling in patients with left ventricular dysfunction following acute MI. Mortality was significantly lower with carvedilol than with metoprolol in patients with mild to severe CHF, suggesting that carvedilol may be the preferred beta-blocker (Keating GM Jarvis B. 2003). However, patients with CHF and asthma tolerated carvedilol poorly and because of that asthma still remain a contraindication to beta-blockade (Kotlyar E, et al., 2002). For bisoprolol, neither dose of bisoprolol showed any obvious influence on reducing attack duration or severity (Mark Helfand, MD, et al., 2007). CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study Design A case control study is conducted from 1st Mac 2009 till 8th May 2009. We will identify the usage of Beta Blocker drugs in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. Inclusion criteria for this study are based on the date noted on the cupon. Exclusion criteria is the date for the part supply prescriptions which we will take the last date the patient comes to collect the their medication. A total of 3 months prescription (October 2008 till December 2008) will be taken to be analyzed. Comparison between all beta blockers is then done when all data has been analyzed. 3.2 Data Collection Each month of prescription is divided among us group members to evaluate and count the frequency usage of those Beta Blocker drugs. Time that given to finished the evaluation of the prescription is 1 month from the date the prescription is given. The Beta Blocker drugs that has be taken count for this study is between Metoprolol Tartrate, Atenolol, Carvedilol, Propanolol HCL, Bisoprolol Fumarate, and Labetolol HCL. 3.3 Statistical Methods/Data Analysis Data has been analysis using Microsoft Excel which the results is shown through bar and pai chart. 3.4 Ethical Consideration Permission to conduct this study is obtained from the chief pharmacist and our local preceptor of Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun and Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. CHAPTER 4: RESULTS Graph 1 show the total usage of each type of Beta-blockers used in October 2008 at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. From the graph, we found that atenolol is among the most frequently used Beta-blocker drug used by Klinik Kesihatan Greentown on October 2008 which is 449 patients, followed by metoprolol, 404 patients, propranolol, 20 patients, labetalol and carvedilol, 1 patient each, while no patient was prescribed with Bisoprolol. Graph 2 shows the total usage of each type of beta-blockers in November 2008 at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. The graph indicates that atenolol is the most highly used if compared with other Beta-blockers which have 358 patients, followed by metoprolol, 324 patients, propranolol, 35 patients, bisoprolol, 4 patients, labetalol, 2 patients and carvedilol, have 1 patient only. Graph 3 shows the total usage of each type of Beta-blockers in December 2008. From the graph we can conclude that atenolol rated as the most widely used where there are 377 patients, followed by metoprolol, 303 patients, then propranolol, 27 patients, bisoprolol, 14 patients, labetalol, 3 patients and carvedilol, 8 patients. Graph 4 shows the overall usage of each beta-blocker used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown based on total amount of prescriptions prescribed on October, November and December 2008. From types of beta-blocker, we can conclude that atenolol is the most widely used which have 1184 patients compared with other beta-blocker drugs. While metoprolol is the second beta-blocker drug that commonly used which have 1034 patients, followed by propranolol, 82 patients, bisoprolol, 18 patients, carvedilol, 10 patients and labetalol, 6 patients. Graph 5 displays the total usage of beta-blockers based from October, November and December in year 2008 at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. From the overall, the month of October 2008 shows the highest percentage of beta-blockers used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown which are 38% or total usage are 875, followed by December 2008 which are 31% or total usage are 732 and November 2008 are 31% or total usage are 724. CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION 5.1 Atenolol Beta-blockers work by blocking adrenaline in the heart and blood vessels. Adrenaline speeds up the heart rate, makes the heart muscle contract more strongly, and constricts arteries throughout the body. All these raise blood pressure. In blocking adrenaline, beta-blockers slow down the heart and reduce its workload. That helps to decrease blood pressure (Houghton T, Fremantle N, Cleland JG. 2002). Atenolol in this case is a beta blocker used not only to treat hypertension but also is the primary medication treatment for angina and after an heart attack (American Academy of Family Physician, 2000). Based on our study, at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown the most used beta blocker from October 2008 till December 2008 was atenolol. This could be due to many factors; one of it to be the effective treatment towards treating hypertension. It is also widely use because doctors nationwide has been prescribing this drug for a long time and it is shown by patient age on the prescription studied, geriatric patients prefer sticking to atenolol than changing to other beta blockers as they safe and satisfied with the treatment of atenolol. Atenolol also has very less adverse effects compared to other beta blockers .It is also known to effectively lower blood pressure to its normal range by decreasing the heart rate. It easy to consume as the daily dosing is usually 1 tablet a day(100mg) or half a tablet a day(50mg) ( Shekelle, P. G., et al., 2003 ). According to a study it has chosen four of the five indicated beta blockers as Best Buy drugs for people with angina, based on price. They are atenolol, metoprolol tartrate, and propranolol. Generic acebutolol is substantially more expensive than these four and no more effective. Taking a beta-blocker after a heart attack lowers the risk of a repeat attack and death by 15% to 25%. Five beta-blockers -atenolol, carvedilol , metoprolol tartrate, propranolol, and timolol- have been proven in studies to reduce deaths in people whove had heart attacks. The evidence is somewhat stronger for atenolol, however. On that basis, and because they are available at lower cost than carvedilol (Coreg) and timolol, atenolol is chosen as one of the best buys around. Studies of carvedilol are complicated by its use therefore atenolol is a much suitable drug to be considered alongside its market price (Houghton T, Fremantle N, Cleland JG. 2002). 5.2 Metoprolol Metoprolol is the second commonly used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown after atenolol. It is a first-line therapy for hypertension, angina, congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, secondary prevention of heart attack (Bradley HA, et al., 2006). Besides that, metoprolol is also used to treat migraine headaches, panic disorder, anxiety and hyperthyroidism (Cleland JGF, et al., 2002). It is a selective beta-1-blocking agents which do not significantly affect respiratory function or antagonize salbutamol effects in patients with COPD (Fogari R, et al., 2001). Metoprolol does not significantly affect FEV1 or FVC at a dose of 200 mg daily when compared with placebo in patients with moderately severe COPD and significant reversible component (Fenster PE, et al., 1990). Metoprolol is used to decrease symptoms such as rapid heart rate, sweating and tremor which are associated with thyrotoxicosis. It is also used to prevent migraine, although it is not fully understood how metoprolol works in this area (Erdmann E, et al., 2005). At low doses, cardioselective beta blockers such as metoprolol selectively block the beta receptors found in the heart and are less likely to cause side effects. These medications may be better than nonselective beta blockers for people with obstructive lung disease, asthma, poor circulation, diabetes, and depression (Torp-Pedersen C, et al., 2007). Based on the analysis of the COMET (Carvedilol Or Metoprolol European Trial) study, metoprolol patients had a 34% lower risk of death than placebo patients. Metoprolol reduced mortality and all-cause hospitalization by 19%. All-cause mortality plus hospitalization for heart failure went down 31%. All-cause hospitalization alone was lowered by 13%, hospitalization for all heart-related causes by 20%, and hospitalization for worsening CHF by 32% ( Woolfenden J,et al, 2003). Selective beta-1-adrenergic blockade is routinely preferred to non-selective blockade in patients with coexistent COPD and CHF to minimize the risk of inducing bronchoconstriction (Abraham T, et al, 1983). Compared to metoprolol tartrate, carvedilol reduced the total days lost. This effect was mostly due to increased longevity. Metoprolol tartrate has been shown to improve well-being after myocardial infarction (Olsson G, et al,1993). Beneficial effects of metoprolol in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, indicating that the effect of carvedilol was in addition to that of an active control (Waagstein F, Bristow MR, Swedberg K, et al, 1993). 5.3 Propranolol From the graph, propranolol is one of the least used in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. Propranolol is used most often for the treatment of high blood pressure, angina, and abnormal heart rhythms. It is also used to treat the symptoms of anxiety. Propranolol was the first beta-blocker available in the United States. Beta-blockers are drugs that interfere with nerve signals transmitted by the chemical norepinephrine. They reduce the force and speed of the heartbeat and prevent dilation of certain blood vessels. These actions reduce the work load on the heart, relieve the muscle tremors that often accompany anxiety, and reduce the blood pressure in the brain to prevent migraines. ( Division of Simon and Schuster 1230, avenue of the Americans New York, NY 10020). Because of the risk of side effects, propranolol should be used with caution in people with impaired kidney or liver function (Division of Simon and Schuster 1230, avenue of the Americans New York, NY 10020). It works by affecting the response to nerve impulses in certain parts of the body, like the heart. As a result, the heart beats slower and decreases the blood pressure. When the blood pressure is lowered, the amount of blood and oxygen is increased to the heart. Propranolol is also affects the bodys sugar metabolism, it should be used with caution in people with diabetes or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Propranolol may mask certain clinical signs of thyroid disease and interfere with thyroid-function tests. Similarly, propranolol may interfere with tests for glaucoma ( Division of Simon and Schuster 1230, avenue of the Americans New York, NY 10020). Propranolol is thus used for the symptomatic relief of thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism). It has no direct effect on the cause, namely overproduction of thyroid hormones, which requires to be treated concurrently. This is clearly shown at Klinik Kesihatan Greentown because most of propanolol usage was to treat thyrotoxicosis. Scores on various subjective rating scales showed that propranolol had a larger mood elevating effect than atenolol. Heart rate and blood pressure were significantly reduced 24 h after atenolol medication; these effects were absent or reduced after propranolol had been given (A. A. Landauer, et al., 1978 ). 5.4 Bisoprolol From the graph we know that the total usage of bisoprolol is only 6 patients out of the 3 month that we have evaluated. It shows that bisoprolol is also less than one of the least used in Klinik Greentown Ipoh. This is due to the price of the medicine. As in a journal, the greatest absolute cost discrepancy for both groups was under-estimation of linezolid ($800 and $400) and over-estimation of clopidogrel ($60) and bisoprolol therapy ($62) by residents and pharmacists, respectively (Wilbur K., 2009). It shows that bisoprolol is one of the expensive Beta blocker drugs compared to the others of Beta blocker drugs. Perhaps it cant give the same effect of atenolol which the most used Beta blocker. Based on a journal, serious adverse effects (e.g. serious bradycardia or hypotension) occurred in 3.1% of patients switching from metoprolol tartrate to carvedilol, and 2.3% experienced worsening heart failure. In the metoprolol to bisoprolol group, worsening heart failure occurred in about 2% of patients. Serious adverse effects also occurred in about 2% of the metoprolol to bisoprolol patients. Adverse effects were higher in patients switched to the equivalent dose rather than half the equivalent dose. (Pharmacists Letter / Prescribers Letter, 2009) Other than that, bisoprolol is also difficult to get the stock of drugs because it is the List A drug and have its own procedures to make the ordering from the company. 5.5 Carvedilol From the graph we can conclude that carvedilol have the least favorable number of usage compare to others beta blockers but then its still a preferable drug for physician to prescribe due to its beneficial effect. First of all, carvedilol is proven to lower mortality in patients with mild to severe congestive heart failure (Keating GM, 2003), besides it also suppresses atrial as well as ventricular arrhythmias (McMurray et. al 2005) and it is the only beta blocker shown to reduce mortality in post-MI (Mark Helfand et. al, 2007). But then on the other side, when compare to metoprolol, it is lack in improved exercise capacity (Mark Helfand et.all 2007) and it may adversely affect recovery from severe hemorrhagic shock (Taniguchi T et.all 2009). Between, patients with CHF and asthma tolerated carvedilol poorly and yet, asthma still remains a contraindication to beta-blockade. All the prescribing for beta blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown also mostly due to the restriction of cost w here carvedilol is listed as A list drug therefore it needs a specialist to start and indirectly reduce A listed drug. 5.6 Labetalol From the graph, we can see that labetalol shows the least usage in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown. This is because the main indication of labetalol is for use in pregnancy complicated by hypertension with apparent freedom from maternal and fetal side-effects, and consequent improved perinatal mortality (C A Michael, 1979). Beside that, labetalol should be avoided in asthmatic patient because it produced more bronchial blockade than atenolol (A D Mackay, et al., 1981) and reduced the effect of inhaled salbutamol on FEV1 (S H Jackson D G Beevers, 1983). Furthermore, labetalol was associated with a significant less reduction or increase in cardiac output than on pure beta blockers (Lund-Johansen P, 1983) and probably induced SLE syndrome (R. C. Brown, et al., 1981). Lastly, considerable differences in dose (atenolol 138 +/- 13 mg daily; labetalol 308 +/- 34 mg daily; metoprolol 234 +/- 22 mg daily), labetalol will required a higher dose to produce similar antihypertensive effects (J J McNe il W J Louis, 1979) and the cost for labetalol is higher than atenolol and metoprolol. CHAPTER 6: CONCLUSIONS Finally, we can conclude that atenolol have the highest usage among beta-blockers in Klinik Kesihatan Greentown followed by metoprolol, propranolol, bisoprolol, carvedilol and the least usage which is labetalol. Commencing from this study, we found that further studies is needed so that physician can prescribe more convincingly and led to a better life for patients.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Resisting Negative Peer Pressure :: Peer Pressure Essays
Do you remember the last time you wanted your mom or dad to buy you something? Did they have a look on their face like you just KNEW they wouldn't go for it? Did you try to change their mind? Did you say something like, "But everyone has one"? When you say that, you're really saying that you want to fit in with other kids your age, or your peers. No problem, even though that's just one way of fitting in. Why is fitting in, or belonging to a peer group, such a big deal anyway? Because we all have a need to be attached to other people and groups of people. It started when you were little, and you needed your mom, dad, or another adult to take care of you. Over the years, your attachment to them, and their bond to you, has grown stronger and stronger. Now that you are older, you can do a lot to take care of yourself, be more independent, and make more choices on your own. Some kids think that they have to push away their parents or other caring adults to "belong" to a group of friends. Do your friends own you? Of course not! You make your own choices, and are old enough to accept responsibility for them, along with their positive or negative consequences. The good news is that you can CHOOSE your actions and your friends, and still be close to your family. Some kids want to fit in so much with their peers that they will even choose to do things that they know are wrong. Some people call it "peer pressure" when friends try to make other friends do something wrong. I call it "peer choice," because you can choose who your friends are and what you do together. You know that "everyone else is doing it" is not an excuse to make a choice that hurts you or someone else. Let's say that a friend tells you that smoking cigarettes is really cool. "Here, try one." So now there's two voices in your head. One says, "I want to be cool and fit in. If I say no, everyone will think I'm weird." Another voice says, "Give me a break! Don't you know that smoking is stupid! No way anyone is going to make me do something that's bad for me What kind of a friend are you, anyway? Resisting Negative Peer Pressure :: Peer Pressure Essays Do you remember the last time you wanted your mom or dad to buy you something? Did they have a look on their face like you just KNEW they wouldn't go for it? Did you try to change their mind? Did you say something like, "But everyone has one"? When you say that, you're really saying that you want to fit in with other kids your age, or your peers. No problem, even though that's just one way of fitting in. Why is fitting in, or belonging to a peer group, such a big deal anyway? Because we all have a need to be attached to other people and groups of people. It started when you were little, and you needed your mom, dad, or another adult to take care of you. Over the years, your attachment to them, and their bond to you, has grown stronger and stronger. Now that you are older, you can do a lot to take care of yourself, be more independent, and make more choices on your own. Some kids think that they have to push away their parents or other caring adults to "belong" to a group of friends. Do your friends own you? Of course not! You make your own choices, and are old enough to accept responsibility for them, along with their positive or negative consequences. The good news is that you can CHOOSE your actions and your friends, and still be close to your family. Some kids want to fit in so much with their peers that they will even choose to do things that they know are wrong. Some people call it "peer pressure" when friends try to make other friends do something wrong. I call it "peer choice," because you can choose who your friends are and what you do together. You know that "everyone else is doing it" is not an excuse to make a choice that hurts you or someone else. Let's say that a friend tells you that smoking cigarettes is really cool. "Here, try one." So now there's two voices in your head. One says, "I want to be cool and fit in. If I say no, everyone will think I'm weird." Another voice says, "Give me a break! Don't you know that smoking is stupid! No way anyone is going to make me do something that's bad for me What kind of a friend are you, anyway?
To Kill a Mockingbird: An Appropriate Classic :: Free Essay Writer
Do you believe To Kill a Mockingbird is an unsuitable novel for teenagers to study? To be perfectly honest I don’t. After reading the book and having repeated class conversations on chapters day after day I don’t see the improper language, violence or situations as a teen. Many people deem Harper Lee’s classic novel to be a wonderful insight into a time of prejudice, religion and courage, these people are right and that is why we have been studying it. If our teachers had seen it as inappropriate they wouldn’t have let us read it, if this were inappropriate why it is an all time classic and Pulitzer Prize winning novel, I have no idea. We have studied it to learn about the notion of powerful and powerless, To Kill a Mockingbird is an ideal novel for that topic, with the character and situations we read about we have a clear understanding of life in the 30’s and how class changed people’s lives. To Kill A mockingbird does not only explore the tumultuous times of racism, loss of childhood innocence and morality but is a pure and simple love story. What is so inappropriate about a love story? The fact that the bad guy gets what he deserves? Or that the only violence is the shooting of a disease carrying dog? Teens live in a world of prejudice, ignorance and are faced with events that ultimately change them into being mature and caring. Studying this novel helps teens discover what the worlds past is like and what makes our life and the people around it how we are now. By reading To Kill A Mockingbird we can learn what we could do right in the present, changing our attitude about life can come from a life experience but reading a novel which gives us specific ideas like ‘have moral standards and stick to them no matter what’ appears loud and clear from scouts experiences of sticking up for Atticus, to Atticus’ own courage in standing up for Tom Robinson against most of May comb County. We learn the principles of respect for law and justice, for fairness and rules and the need for integrity, honesty and compassion. Harper Lee suggests people can’t stand against the pressures that come along without a commitment to such principles. Learning life lessons through an enforced novel for English we are positively influenced and inspired. Atticus who in many ways, the novel is built around is recognisably human, not a hero as such but idealised enough to be a convincing model of right behaviour.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Simulation Proliferation and the City Essay examples -- Essays Papers
Simulation Proliferation and the City Mr. Hand wears all black, is tall, thin, and pale. He floats around a dark city and ends far too many lines with a creepy self-affirming â€Å"yesss.†In Dark City (Alex Proyas 1998) we see over and over again indications of the tropes and repetitions that make up the urban/filmic imagination. Not quite vampires, not quite grey aliens, not quite business men, not quite religious, not quite serial murderers, Mr. Hand and the other Strangers seem to be archetypal characters of the city. Is the imagination a domesticating function, territorializing wild occurrence and happenstance into termed rearrangements of what has come before? Or is it an explosive and infinite fountain of creativity? Modern metropolises and imagination present themselves together in such films as mutually helpful tools for inspecting one another – but my effort is to use the city to discuss several imaginations. As is only obvious enough from one city dweller talking to another, imagination (m oreso than representation or memory) is home to the ever changing city. Conversely, however, the city enables a specific citified imagination, with its own structure and economy. To begin, though, I want to interrogate, as a point of departure, the philosophy of fantasy in a highly commercial, idyllic, anti-city movie. Those lucky children of the 80’s witnessed the depiction and eventual summarization of the relation between fantasy, imagination, fiction, story, and control in the politico-creative manifesto, The Neverending Story (Wolfgang Peterson 1984). In the movie, Sebastian (a somewhat troubled young boy) reads a book (whose unfolding is the main content of the screen) and is then implicated in the collapse of a fantas... ...gination can be spoken of as a discourse that is ultimately just about itself: it is only by imagination that one imagination is to discover anything about the next – yet this ethereality is not only not troubling for the stability of simulation, but itself stabilized by the overproduction of simulacra such that its processing is pressured into sheer reactive creativity. The strikingly bizarre and symptomatically fascinating point, though, is why imagination might have almost anything at all to do with simulation, but this is just the predominant strength of an imagination over its inscription, by representation, into broader circulating winds of reality: its apparent nihilism. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Ã… ½iÃ… ¾ek, Slavoj. â€Å"Passion in the Era of Decaffeinated Belief.†Thy Symptom Issue 5, Winter 2004.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Japanese Literature Essay
2. Individualism has been seen as a characteristic feature of the modern world. How do we see the issue of individualism being dealt with in the works we have read? Discuss examples of individualism in both modern and pre-modern texts. In the works we have read, the characteristic of individualism has played a strong role in the lives and decisions of three characters in particular. The characters Basho, Chockichi, and Okada all display similar acts of individualism in their own stories as they depart not only from their homes but also the traditions that have helped shape their lives for many years. These characters leave behind the familial and societal values that were vastly present in Japanese tradition. With their decisions to be individuals, they obtain new attitudes and standards that relate to, money, education and security. The new values attitudes are what brought Japan into a modern way of thinking and left old values and traditions behind. Individualism is the belief in the primary importance of the individual and the virtues of self reliance and personal dependence. Basho shows his independence by leaving his home front and traveling north. He does this in order to see new places, visit sites of earlier poets, and to spread his views. For Basho traveling is a way of life, and because he travels alone one could say that Basho is very much an independent individual. Throughout Basho’s Narrow Road it seems as if there is a lack of people he encounters on such a long journey. The reader does not know if this is because Basho chooses to leave out the people he meets from his story or because he truly does not encounter many. In any way, the lack of people in the story puts the spotlight solely on the main character, Basho. With this, Basho rejoices in his individualism by going against traditional Japanese values and the unknown. Basho can be described as a pre-modern individual. His journeys are not for money or to enhance his social status; they are for his own personal benefit in order to see more of Japan and to become inspired by nature and its beautiful surroundings. Traveling for Basho is his life, unlike many traditions of Japan where supporting a family and working are a way of life, he chooses a different path. By this Basho chooses a life that is centered around himself and based on personal dependence and happiness. This makes him an individual in all of the things that he does because he bases his decisions solely on himself. Being an individual Basho puts himself somewhat before his time in terms of Japanese culture. The worries of money and social expectation do not concern him, he is more concerned with being at one with nature and finding inspiration within Japanese surroundings which truly set him apart from his fellow citizens. In The River Sumida, Chokichi plays the role of an individual. He does this in more of a modern context rather than Basho did in Basho’s Narrow Road. Chockichi aspires to be an actor and wants to follow his dreams of doing so. His conflict comes when his mother demands him to go to school in order for him to be an office worker. She does this because she knows the importance of money and that Chokichi having a stable job it will ensure their future. Throughout the story Chokichi strives to be an individual and not let money and the other stresses of society hinder his dreams. Though he hated school, â€Å"? could he really bare it, all this learning? School was not the place to give him happiness he wished for. Learning was quite unrelated happiness-it came to Chokichi for the first time(193),†he knew that he had to follow his mothers orders. Therefore he decided to leave his surroundings and attend school. By this Chokichi had made a decision to be an individual and, instead of following his dreams, he pursued a different career. Chokichi’s act of leaving home and going to school in order to make money for his family he went against the traditional Japanese values. By choosing to go to school he also chose the path of being an individual. Most people would have followed their dreams and done what they wanted with life. Chokichi, in contention with his mothers direction, chose a different path. Though he greatly disliked school he still decided to attend. With this decision Chokichi should be deemed as an individual. He made a decision that not only went against Japanese values but also his own dreams. In the story Wild Geese, Okada plays the role of a strong individual who, throughout the story, follows traditional Japanese values and is a good citizen. With the changing times and changing traditions of Japan Okada is faced with the decision of leaving his love Otama in order to go to Europe and pursue a career translating Chinese medical texts. Though the decision was hard, Okada decided to go to Europe alone and pursue his career. With this decision Okada stepped out of the traditions of Japan and became an individual. He leaves all of his values and knowledge of life at home and embarks on a new journey. This decision truly makes him an individual. It also makes the changes of attitudes and standards of old Japan a reality. In earlier times Okada would not have left his home or his love to pursue a career. His future would have already been planned out for him; he would have followed not only the traditions of his family and their work, but also the early traditions of Japan. Okada’s individualistic attitude and decisions make it clear that he wants to be on his own and follow a rarely traveled road. Okada provides a great example of people changing their values and traditions and following the path of the individual. Throughout the lives of Basho, Chokichi, and Okada it is evident that they have taken upon values of the modern world and become individuals. With this they leave behind a mark of change and a shift in values, attitudes and standards that have been present for century’s among Japanese culture.
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