Monday, December 16, 2019
Cloning Is Ethically Immoral And Should Never Be Done Essay
Reproductive human cloning is a form of asexual reproduction done in a lab, not by a sperm fertilizing an egg. This issue has been a hot topic for the past decade after Dolly the sheep was cloning in Scotland. Dolly was the first cloned mammal, whose very existence created much heat in the general public (Hansen, pg. 235, in Vaughn). Many people believe that cloning is ethically immoral and should never be done, but others think that scientific advances can greatly cure diseases. What is human cloning? Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. Human cloning allows advanced technology to take an initiative in fixing defective genes, however are the precautions taken of what the future has in store? Cloning should not be an acceptable process in today’s society. By making cloning acceptable, we are saying that everyone has the right to make a replica of them or give permission for others to be cloned. We are also saying that other cloning methods will have the approval of the community and will be acceptable, yet morally so many religions would disapprove of this method. Picture this. A couple walks into a hospital and finds out that the baby they are having has Down Syndrome. If the couple decides to alter the gene of the embryo, the baby would be artificially made instead of natural. The concept of altering genes and human cloning is morally wrong because of the possibility of aging faster, loss of individuality, and religious and ethical viewShow MoreRelatedEssay The Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research1409 Words  | 6 Pagesto better the lives of those living, but at what cost? In their articles â€Å"Cloning Human Beings: An Assessment of Pro and Con,†by author Dan W. Brock; â€Å"The Ethical Implications of Guman Cloning,†by Michael J. 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