Saturday, May 18, 2019

Rough Draft

One of the points that the article communioned a forth was having a strong individualized diagnostic such as fair play and to be motivated. The defied notion for integrity is to be honest and becoming and to be complete or whole. Integrity is one of the m unfastened keys part on this journey. Its notes do sure you avoid plagiarism or cheating, but eke ping your nestle the grindstone and keeping yourself motivated when you insufficiency to quit Everett inning. Another strong characteristic that a stu scratching will need to abide is macrocosm competent to be an in dependent savant.There argon going to be m any(prenominal) hours to devote to planning and studying. The much(prenominal) classes a dent takes the more hours they will confine to mould out of their already lively schedule, so retentive blank learners need to possess clearances to develop the unconditional lea ran inning characteristic (Termini, 201 0, pig 58). The article talks about a couple of fact ors that take into play with long distance assimilators as well. The starting factor of being an online successful s dent is environmental, where family flush toilet do and gage the online learners.Family can help with multiple functions, give c be fixing dinner, doing laundry and doing errands flip-flop there AR e any other licensed drivers in the home. This will give the online school-age child a chance to usance cartridge clip management a must permit to keep the student on track. If the student does not manage the IR sequence they will not be able to turn in their locomote in on time to find oneself the adequate help from the importune rector if it is needed. The siemens and every bit historic factor is the technical aspect. To be success exampleful in the online structure, it will help if the student is somewhat tech saws.Everything from c immunization with the instructor, taking tests, turning in reading and watching any discs session is done with the conn ection of the inter plunder. It is imperative to have the right manakin of soft re to cling to your com nonpluser. Also making sure the learner has the correct word processor, became use of all the research text file that will be written. Ill. Reflection After reading the article was affect to find out that Titration verbalise t here are certain kinds of students that can learn online. (As cited in Boyd, 2004, pig 3139).SST dents, much like myself, getting ready to take online courses may turn over it is going to be far more easier thus in a classroom setting, but that is not necessarily true. If the online learner do chitchats not have the right learning characteristic, like being self reliant and exceedingly motivated, they ay find out that they are not able to be successful and be among the some(prenominal) that have dropped out. That is what challenges me. I dont want to be another drop out statistics, yet again. The SST rarities in the article are similar to the cou rse that Im taking.They talk about the important e of time management, setting goals, and learning to be a motivated, independent long distant student. A scripture that have for this as a reminder for me to hang-up strong and fall Ned is Sec 86 For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though I person may be weighed down by misery. (NIB) IV. industry The some important thing that I have taken from this topic is that there are many factors that can help or hinder me. I have already begun the steps of good time manage meet, which in the most important key to online learning. Eve filled out a schedule with all my lessons and all my daytime-to-day activities and printed it. I keep it by my laptop at all times, so Im able to see what the day brings. Sometimes I have had to adjust a few ad hominem activities around, so the at can make more time to study and keep ahead with my homework The calendar has in addition help my in my daily life. Its had kept me motivat ed to make time for the gym. For historic period have off get with myself to stay motivated in that area, but now can see it,in writing, and have to do that first thing in the morning.Another motivating factor for me will be to stay in connected with t he advisors at my University. They can help guide me to which courses are the most important t o take first. I plan to keep connected to the university community bladesite. reinforcement across the coo net makes it hard to feel any kind of connection with the campus, but chatting with classmates online or watching events on the web will bring the connection closer. V. Conclusion In conclusion, have rig out that it is very important to not lose hope as an online learner.Rough DraftOne of the points that the article talked a out was having a strong ad hominem characteristic such as integrity and to be motivated. The defied notion for integrity is to be honest and fair and to be complete or whole. Integrity is one of the m ajar keys while on this journey. Its notes making sure you avoid plagiarism or cheating, but eke ping your nose the grindstone and keeping yourself motivated when you want to quit Everett inning. Another strong characteristic that a student will need to have is being able to be an in dependent learner.There are going to be many hours to devote to homework and studying. The more classes a dent takes the more hours they will have to carve out of their already busy schedule, so long distance learners need to possess clearances to develop the independent lea ran inning characteristic (Termini, 201 0, pig 58). The article talks about a couple of factors that come into play with long distance students as well. The first factor of being an online successful s dent is environmental, where family can help and support the online learners.Family can help with multiple things, like fixing dinner, doing laundry and doing errands riff there AR e any other licensed drivers in the home. This will give the o nline student a chance to use time management a must have to keep the student on track. If the student does not manage the IR time they will not be able to turn in their work in on time to get the adequate help from the insist rector if it is needed. The second and equally important factor is the technical aspect. To be success useful in the online structure, it will help if the student is somewhat tech saws.Everything from c immunization with the instructor, taking tests, turning in homework and watching any discs session is done with the connection of the internet. It is imperative to have the right kind of soft re to protect your computer. Also making sure the learner has the correct word processor, became use of all the research papers that will be written. Ill. Reflection After reading the article was surprised to find out that Titration stated t here are certain kinds of students that can learn online. (As cited in Boyd, 2004, pig 3139).SST dents, much like myself, getting re ady to take online courses may think it is going to be far more easier so in a classroom setting, but that is not necessarily true. If the online learner do sees not have the right learning characteristic, like being self reliant and highly motivated, they ay find out that they are not able to be successful and be among the many that have dropped out. That is what challenges me. I dont want to be another drop out statistics, yet again. The SST rarities in the article are similar to the course that Im taking.They talk about the important e of time management, setting goals, and learning to be a motivated, independent long distant student. A scripture that have for this as a reminder for me to stay strong and determine Ned is Sec 86 For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though I person may be weighed down by misery. (NIB) IV. Application The most important thing that I have taken from this topic is that there are many factors that can help or hinder me. I have al ready begun the steps of good time manage meet, which in the most important key to online learning. Eve filled out a calendar with all my lessons and all my daily activities and printed it. I keep it by my laptop at all times, so Im able to see what the day brings. Sometimes I have had to adjust a few personal activities around, so the at can make more time to study and keep ahead with my homework The calendar has also help my in my daily life. Its had kept me motivated to make time for the gym. For years have off get with myself to stay motivated in that area, but now can see it,in writing, and have to do that first thing in the morning.Another motivating factor for me will be to stay in connected with t he advisors at my University. They can help guide me to which courses are the most important t o take first. I plan to keep connected to the university community website. Living across the coo net makes it hard to feel any kind of connection with the campus, but chatting with class mates online or watching events on the web will bring the connection closer. V. Conclusion In conclusion, have found out that it is very important to not lose hope as an online learner.Rough Draft identity is what defines us as a person. Everyone one on earth has their own unique identity. To showcase my identity, I created a collage of sees and descriptive words, called an identi-kit. This identi-kit shows what I feel like is my identity to myself and the others. My identi-kit identifies me as a confused martial artist. The identi-kit has images of a deadly shark with combine martial humanistic discipline gloves on that say heterogeneous martial arts on the front and fight shorts with the words competitor and warrior on them.It also has descriptive words like knock offer instinct and fight which describe my spirit. There are triad assumptions that come to question when asking about ones identity. The first is if you were born(p) with this identity? The second is if this i dentity was shaped because of culturally influences? The third is if the identity was created because of personal choices in your life? My identity was form by all common chord assumptions of identity. orn with. Me aggregateing and training in mixed martial arts were twain culturally influenced and a personal choice.My brother and brother-in-law influenced me in mixed martial arts and then it was my personal choice to train and experience mixed martial arts. My never give up and go for the kill attitude was what I was born with. My identi-kit shows that my identity is a mixed martial artists that is disciplined and has a grampus instinct when it comes to competition. The images and words on the identi-kit were carefully elect to fully project my identity. One image that was chosen is an image of a shark that looks ferocious and ready to go one more round.This image displays that I am the same way. When it comes to training and competing I am mean and will go one more round to wi n. Quitting is not an option in my life. There is a phrase on my identi-kit and it says Killer disposition. This phrase was chosen because it is very descriptive and shows that I have the killer instinct to fight through and through the pain and suffering. There are many images of fight shorts that have words on then that are very important in my life. The two that are my favorite have the words Warrior and competition on them.These words were chosen to reflect my identity as a competitor and a warrior when it comes to mixed martial arts and life in general. One image on the identi-kit shows the word Hayabusa which is the fastest hunt down in the world. To me hayabusa means to be fast and quick but do not hurry. The Hayabusa is the fastest razzing in the world that is fast and quick but does not screw up. My life revolves around running(a) fast and quick but not to mess up at the same time. The images and phrases put together on the identi-kit help others to identify me becaus e they are all very descriptive and imaginative.The identi-kit forms my identity to other raft because to train and compete in mixed martial arts you have to be much disciplined, self-motivated, and have the killer instinct to go and fight with another human being. I was born with my identity and at the same time influenced and made the choice to do what I do. My identity was created by all three assumptions of identity while with others it could be just one or two assumptions that made who they are. I was born with me living my life in the fast lane. I have to keep on moving and truckage without ever stopping.I was born with my killer instinct and passion for competition. My involvement in mixed martial arts was influenced and a choice. Everyone has their niche in life. Some people are good at football, others in academics, while I was good at mixed martial arts. I was not interested until my family started to getting me involved by watching live mixed martial arts events on tele vision. As I watched more events the more I became interested and encouraged to get involved. Then came my personal choice to start training in mixed martial arts and I never regret making that decision.To some tip identity is a performance. For some people its to satisfy the likes of others. For some its trying to join a certain community. For most identity is not a performance. Identity is not something you can put on or take off. Sadly for others identity is exactly what was just stated. In golf club for some people to be happy and impress others they put on an identity in instal to fit in. For some its a personal choice and for others they are influenced by the culture that surrounds them. What is cool it to some may be uncool to others.To some smoking dope is cool and if you do it you are cool but to others like myself I do not think smoking dope is cool. I do not think it is cool but I do not hate anyone that does forage it because that is their identity and a personal ch oice. My identity is not to impress anybody or to fit in with a certain crowd, my identity is what makes me happy and what labels me to other people. People want to be cool and be liked, so they commit to an identity that is not who they really are. The thing that makes us is us. For me my identity is what it is and others may not think it is cool or not right but it is who I am and what makes me.My identi-kit showcases who I am and what I am like. It displays my label to me and others. It shows that I love the aspect of competing and having the killer instinct to do so. This is important because it shows my identity is not something you can just put on and then later take off. Every image and phrase on my identi-kit is a little piece of who I am and what I offer to others. My images and phrases were the faultless strategies to display my identity and in doing so helped me to identify myself. What makes us who we are?

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