Thursday, May 30, 2019

Wicca Essays -- essays research papers

Wicca/WitchcraftWicca is an Old English word that means The Wise Ones or Keepers of Knowledge. Wicca is one of the most superannuated followings. Wicca is a Neo-Pagan following with many traditions that date to pre-Christian times. It is ground on a deep respect for nature and the knowledge that we should not exploit it for our own gain. Wicca is not recognized as a religion by anyone other than its followers. Wicca is not a cult. Many Wiccans are independent and worship on their own or with a group of Wiccans, but they do not follow any one person. There are many types of Wicca, as many as 13 different traditions have been founded. One of the oldest unchanged traditions is the Strega Witchcraft. A witch named Aradia founded this tradition about 1353 CE. Two other large traditions include Gardnerian and Celtic forms. The Gardnerian tradition is based on the works of Dr. Gerald Brosseau Gardner. He researched much of the history of witchcraft and wrote The Book of Shadows with that knowledge. The Book of Shadows is used as the basis for ritual practice in the Gardnerian tradition. The Celtic Wicca is also a very old form. It is based on Celtic/Druidic practices and uses many of the Celtic deities, elements, and nature. Wiccans believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit, which forms part of the Whole, or The Cosmic Web. The term spirit does not mean ghost, it means that which links something to nature so that it is rec...

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