Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Blood Glucose Tests and Medication

Blood Glucose Tests and MedicationDefinitionA business line glucose sort measures the amount of a type of profit (glucose) in the blood. Glucose comes from carbohydrate foods. It is the main source of readiness used by the embody.Insulin internal discrimination helps the cells of the body use the glucose. Insulin produced by thepancreasand spillwayd into the blood when the amount of glucose in the blood rises.In the normal conditions blood glucose takes are slightly racy after eating. This increase makes the pancreas to release insulin so that the blood glucose levels dont get too high. Blood glucose levels that remain high over time can damage the eyes, kidneys, jumpiness and blood vessels.The importance of this showThis test is used to evaluate blood glucose levels. It whitethorn be used to diagnose or screen for diabetes and to oversee train in patients who fuddle diabetes.Most dietary carbohydrate eventually ends up as glucose in the blood. Excess glucose is converte d to glycogen for storage by the colorful and skeletal muscles after meals. Glycogen is gradually broken down to glucose and released into the blood by the liver between meals. Excess glucose is converted to triglyceride for energy storage.The major hormone regulating glucose concentration in the body is insulin (although other hormones such as glucagon, epinephrine, and cortisol to a fault affect it).Glucose levels are measured to diagnose diabetes or to monitor adequacy of diabetic control. Diabetes is a very common disease affects about 2% of the general population results from insulin deficiency or insensitivity by the body to the level of insulin present.People with type 1 diabetes require daily injections of insulin to control their disease. Injection of too much or too little insulin can be dangerous because there is a limited range of blood sugar levels in which the brain can function normally.Types of blood glucose testsFasting blood sugar (FBS)measures blood glucose afte r you have not eaten for at least 8-10 hours. It often is the first test done to check fordiabetes.2-hour postprandial blood sugarmeasures blood glucose on the button 2 hours after you eat a meal.Random blood sugar (RBS)Several random measurements taken throughout the day. Random testing is useful because glucose levels in robust people do not vary widely throughout the day.Oral glucose tolerance test A blood test done to diagnose diabetes mellitus. Its also done to diagnose hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or a malabsorption syndrome in which sugar is not absorbed properly through the intestines into the bloodstream.The test was designed primitively to determine the tolerance for the sugar glucose. Tolerance refers to the bodys ability to handle (tolerate) glucose.The test depends on a number of factorsThe ability of the intestine to absorb glucose,The power of the liver to take up and store glucose,The capacity of the pancreas to produce insulin,The amount of active insulin it pr oducesThe sensitivity of the cells in the body to the action of insulin.Fasting overnight is important for this test and the patient is given 100 grams of glucose by mouth and then your blood glucose levels are monitored for 3 hours. Normally, the blood glucose should return to normal within 2 to 2 hours. The outcome of the test may indicateNormal glucose toleranceAbnormal glucose toleranceDepressed glucose tolerance in which the blood glucose peaks sharply before declining gradual then usual to normal levels as in Diabetes mellitusIncreased glucose tolerance in which the blood glucose levels peak at lower than normal levels as in the Malabsorption syndrome, Insulinoma (an insulin-producing tumor)Since the dose of glucose is taken by mouth, the test is sometimes called an viva glucose tolerance test.This test is commonly used to diagnose diabetes that occurs during pregnancy (gestational diabetes).GlycosuriaGlycosuria refers to sugar in the urine. little than 0.1% of glucose norm ally filtered by the glomeruli appears in the urine, and less than 130 mg should appear in the urine over a 24-hour period.Glucose is present in glomerular dribble but is reabsorbed by the kidneys proximal tubule. If the blood glucose level exceeds the capacity of the tubules to reabsorb all the glucose present in the glomerular filtrate, the renal threshold is reached and glucose spills into the urine. Finding of glycosuria indicates hyperglycemic or lowered renal threshold for glucose.The renal threshold for glucose is 160 to 190mg/dl of blood glucose does not appear in the urine until the blood glucose rises above this level.Glycosuria may be a normal finding, such as after eating a heavy meal or during times of emotional stress.Some individuals have a benign condition in which they have a lower than usual renal threshold for glucose (120 mg %), but have normal blood glucose levels.In pregnancy, the renal threshold for glucose may be lowered so that small amounts of glycosuria m ay be present. Patients on hyperalimentation may have glycosuria if the carbohydrate solution is being infused faster than the pancreas can produce insulin. The most common reason for glycosuria is diabetes mellitus. Urine glucose tests are used to screen for diabetes, to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes, or to monitor diabetic control.Blood sugar test resultsNormal Resultsfasting plasma glucose test 55-109 mg/dLoral glucose tolerance test at two hours less than cxl mg/dLglycated hemoglobin 3-6 percentfructosamine 1.6-2.7 mmol/L for adults (5% lower for children)gestational diabetes screening test less than 140 mg/dLurine glucose (random semi quantitative) negativeAbnormal resultsA fasting blood glucose level is 126 mg/dL (7.0 mmol/L) or higher.A 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test result is 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher.Symptoms of diabetes are present and a random blood glucose test is 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) or higher.If your fasting blood glucose level measures in the range of 100 mg/dL (5.5 mmol/L) to 125 mg/dL (6.9 mmol/L), you are considered to havepre diabetes. many another(prenominal) forms of severe stress (for example, trauma, stroke, heart attack, and surgery) can temporarily increase glucose levels.Drugs that can increase glucose measurements include the followingCorticosteroidsDiureticsEpinephrineGlucagonEpinephrine It elevates the blood sugar level by increasing catabolism of glycogen to glucose in the liver, and also begins to break lipids in fat cells.Glucagon Glucagon causes an increase in blood glucose, by stimulating gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis and facilitating glucose release from hepatocytes. Low blood glucose stimulates the alpha cells of pancrease to release glugacon.Corticosteroids These increase blood glucose by inducing glucose release from hepatocytes and inhibiting glucose uptake by cells by decreasing GLU-4. Corticosteroids stimulate gluconeogenesis and glucagon secretion (that increases blood glucose).Drugs that can de crease glucose measurements include the followingAlcoholAnabolic steroidsClofibrateMAOS inhibitorAlcohol After the ingestion of the food, the body turns the food to sugar or glucose. The pancreas produces insulin to help move the glucose into the bodys cells for energy use.When insulin is working effectively blood sugar levels are stable. Alcohol has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. For those who are on insulin, this can be dangerous because the combination of insulin and alcohol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Low blood sugar levels can lead to asphyxia and possible death.Sources Usedhttp// the National Institute of Healthhttp// FT, Dunning MB III, eds. (2004). Manual of Laboratory and symptomatic Tests, 7th ed. Philadelphia Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.http//www.lab, Cynthia C., and Barbara J. Berger. Laboratory Tests and Diagnostic Procedures, 3rd ed. Philadelphia Saunders, 2001.

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