Thursday, June 20, 2019

The Main Issues Involved in Iranians Annotated Bibliography

The Main Issues Involved in Iranians - Annotated Bibliography ExampleThis research will begin with the review of Irangeles Iranians in Los Angeles written by Ron Kelley, Jonathan Friedlander, and Anita Colby. The researcher states that in a novel format, this work is a combination of essays, interviews, and photographs of the Iranian immigrants in Southern California. According to the research findings, the work shows how Iranian women in the U.S try to adopt the Hesperian culture and to deny their Iranian roots. This workhelps in explaining the general end among the Iranian women writers after the revolution to present themselves as liberal, freedom-loving, and democratic human beings who guard nothing to do with terrorism and extremism. The present research has identified that Nesta Ramazani is another female contemporary of Satrapi. With an Iranian father and English mother, Nesta narrates her life in Iran beforehand and after the revolution. This paper illustrates that the wr iter faces a lot of pressure in the fundamental Iranian society, and manages to struggle through with luck and hard work. The work shows how Iranian, Islamic, and Hesperian cultures collide, mingle, and influence the lives of people in Iran. The autobiography by Nesta is used in two ways. Firstly, it helps understand the influence of fundamentalism on Iranian people, and secondly, it helps explore the general tendency among Iranian women writers to show adherence to the West.

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