Saturday, June 1, 2019

Genetically Engineered Food Essay -- GMOs Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Engineered FoodAs Scientists commence the unraveling of genetic mysteries the food we eat is undergoing significant changes. From supermarket produce, milk and eggs to tofu, sprouts and tend burgers most have genetically altered ingredients. As with all new products tests are necessary. Guinea pigs, used in those tests, show the effects of the Genetically Engineered (GE) feed. So far the tests have shown elevated breast cancer from ingesting milk from cows consuming (GE) hormones. Others tests have shown potential deadly allergic reactions to foods altered with proteins from peanuts or shellfish. to the highest degree dramatically in 1989 and 1990, a (GE) brand of L-tryptophan, a common dietary supplement, killed more than thirty. Animal rights groups would normally protest these immoral experiments exposing them for what they are, wrong. Unfortunately, the guinea pigs, that are cosmos fed this altered diet, have no voice, they are you and I. Americans are unknowingly consumer tons of (GE) food daily. Science and food have collided in the worst possible way. In just this last decade scientist have made epic strides altering plants and animals. Genetically altered products are found in our food, clothing and beverages. The research laboratory has become the place where agricultural improvements are made. What all this means for the consumer is that we are allowed to make informed decisions and that must cease. The customer must at least be allowed to make a choice as to which food or beverage products they will consume. Currently foods that contain genetically altered ingredients are not take to differentiate themselves from non-altered foods. Manufactures continue to refuse all requests to label (GE) products. Genetically altered plants ... ... engineered crops threaten monarch butterflies. 21 Apr. 2000. http// Organic Gardening. Genetic Engineering Answers and Actions One puff of all U.S. farmland is growing GE crops, 93.75 million acres. Actions the organic gardener must take to stem the tide of altered crops. http// Rifkin, Jeremy. Biotech Century contend Ecological Roulette with Mother Natures Designs. The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea Lunsford and John Ruszkiewicz. Boston Bedford/ St. Martin, 2000. 244 - 254. Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. New York, Tor books and 1805. Specter, Michael. The Pharmageddon Riddle. The New Yorker. Apr. 10, 2000 58 - 71. Steinbrecher, Dr. Ricarda. What is Genetic Engineering? Synthesis/Regeneration A time of Green Social Thought, Vol. 18. Winter 1999 9 - 12.

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