Thursday, October 17, 2019

Commercial aircrafts (such as Boeing 787 Dream liner) for Airline Research Proposal

Commercial aircrafts (such as Boeing 787 Dream liner) for Airline Industry (such as Qatar Airways) - Research Proposal Example In this paper, the purpose is to present a sales proposal to one of the leading airline companies, Qatar airways on behalf of the Boeing Commercials. Boeing 787 Dream liner is one of the aircrafts that Boeing Commercials is fond of producing and one that has caused great excitement in the airline industry. Its development started in 2003, but it was not until 2009 that the first flight took off in an amazing way. The Boeing 787 Dream liner offers a host of comfort not just to the airline companies, but also to the clients. First, this plane is the first of its kind especially concerning fuel-efficiency. The previous version Boeing 767 consumed more fuel than this make, and this simply means that Qatar Airways will save money in terms of fuel efficiency. Earlier, it was asserted that no business is started without profitability being the target; profitability is only realized when the selling prices exceed the buying one. Thus, this plane will ensure Qatar Airways’ fuel expenses fall significantly, by 20% to be precise (Barratt & Dowd, 2014); this will translate to a higher profit margin. Composites materials have been used in the making of this plane in a bid to ensure that fuel efficiency becomes a reality besides providing the need noise reduction. Additionally, the plane is two-engine, and this means its speed is somewhat higher than both its competitors and predecessors. There is a 3-class setting in the plane, a windshield that is four-paneled among other features, which make the plane outstanding (Barratt & Dowd, 2014). In addition to all these, the plane is already operating in a number of other companies, and has full approval Federation Aviation Authorities (FAA). Businesses thrive mainly because of the networking capability its owner has, and this calls for the right partnerships (Khalid, 2006). This would require that the other

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