Monday, October 14, 2019

Dilmas Impeachment: the Brazilian Last Political Crush

Dilmas Impeachment: the Brazilian Last Political Crush Introduction After a year of investigations, on 31 August 2016, Dilma Rousseff, the 36th President of Brazil and the first woman to occupy this position in the countrys history, was removed from Presidency of Brazil by the Senate for breaking fiscal laws and alleged illegally manipulation of government account. Thus, Rousseff was replaced by her vice president and alliance partner Michel Temer, in the hope that he would be able to manage Brazils economic situation. However, Ms Rousseff alleged that the impeachment proceedings were commensurate to a coup dà ©tat against her government. Since Ms Rousseff allegedly believed to be the victim of a coup fomented by her politics opponents, the Brazil local media defined the impeachment as a lawful act, hardly questioning if the hypothetical coup happened or not. Above all, Michel Temer is currently one of those less popular politicians in Brazil. Methodology This research was conducted by a succinct search for newspaper articles (available on the web) that have been written about Dilmas impeachment, especially those published on 31st August and 1st September of 2016. Three articles were used from three different newspapers. They are: The Washington Post, The New York Times and The Guardian. To help with the facts, this report is also based on one opinion article written by a Brazilian Historian and Journalist Juremir Machado in the same year. Main Points / Discussion This report has the main topic to explain briefly what happened during Ms Rousseff impeachment process from the point of view of the sources selected on the day that she was ousted as Brazils President. The political crush Despite Rousseff has used all legal means to defend herself she was taken from power on 31st August 2016. The Senate said that the impeachment was provided by the Brazilian Constitution and has all the guise of legitimacy (Machado, 2016). As reported by The New York Times, when the Senate impeachment Ms Rousseff, it also ended to 13 years of governing by the leftist Workers Party. Which was coming from an era that Brazils economy had surged, expanding the countrys profile on the world stage (Romero, 2016).   The Guardian News said that not only during Rousseff administration Brazilian economy was about to stand trial, but also for decades. Equally, large number of the members of Brazilian political class have been implicated in corruption investigation (Machado, 2016). For example, the man who initiated the impeachment process, Eduardo Cunha, former president of the Chamber of Deputies, is being accused of money laundering and tax evasion. Even Michel Temer, the man who assume d Dilmas place is being investigated for money laundering (Lopes Phillips, 2016). Brazils democracy The Guardian remembers that only two of the last eight directly-elected presidents had completed their terms. As a matter of fact, two presidents had been impeached, one removed in a military coup, one killed himself, one died before taking power and another had resigned (Watts, 2016). Hence, its possible affirm that Brazils democracy is very sensitive to any crushing. Its only past 30 years since the end of Brazils military dictatorship and because of that, Brazilian democracy still raw and probably too young to deal properly with the corruption scandals. The new man in charge The New York Times alleged that her impeachment might not restore public confidence in Brazils leaders, or diminish the corruption that pervades the politics and said that it only will transfer the power from one corrupted party to another. Michel Temer situation at government seems to be just as unhinged. Per, The Washington Post Michel Temer belongs to the more conservative Brazilian Democratic Movement Party, and is trying to introduce austerity measures to right the economy (Lopes Phillips, 2016). The Washington Post says: Temer is as unpopular as Rousseff, and whether he can muster the political support for such changes was unclear (Lopes Phillips, 2016). What is happening next In accordance with The New York times, being Ms Rousseff deposed, there is a possibility of the conservative speeches grow even more powerful in the country. Therefore, the party would be damaged as well possibly turning impossible a new re-election. Now, is waiting for the next direct election which is happening next year, in 2018. According to The Guardian, big protests anti-impeachment were seen in many cities in Brazil during the week of Ms Rousseffs judgment, demonstrating that the population did not totally accept the impeachment results. Conclusion Based on the research, it is unanimous between the articles that Dilmas administration wasnt the best for Brazil. However, the articles also investigated the fact that Michel Temer is part of the opposition party, letting understand that maybe the problem can be deeply in Brazils democracy. Michel Temer and his party are in the same way that Ms Rousseff a not better option for Brazil political condition. The sources also believed that the fact of Ms Rousseff was a former revolutionary against the military dictatorship could influence her to be ousted from the government. Nevertheless, we are talking about recent facts, in other words, Brazils crisis is part of history of the present time, running now without soon ending. References Lopes, M. Phillips, D. (2016, August 31). Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff ousted in impeachment vote. The Washington Post. Retrieved from Romero, S. (2016, August 31). Dilma Rousseff Is Ousted as Brazils President in Impeachment Vote. The New York Times. Retrieved from Watts, J. (2016, September 1) Brazils Dilma Rousseff impeached by senate in crushing defeat. The Guardian. Retrieved from Machado, J. (2016, August 27). Opinià £o: Queda de Dilma ou à © golpe de Estado ou à © farsa. Correio do Povo. Retrieved from

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