Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The US Governments Websites Design Research Paper

The US Governments Websites Design - Research Paper Example Looking at the web page of Department of Health and Human Services, it is impressive on first sight since the visual pictures showing medical related activities are displayed and this is consistent with the duties of the department (Information Resources Management Association   & Khosrowpour, 2002). Besides there are various options of access further detailed information from the bold headlines and systematic flow of directions. The title of the photo on this web page is talking about women’s contribution in science an indication that the website is always conforming to the current affairs. The website of U.S department of state is fairly comprehensive and systematic in presentation with most sensitive passport issue top on the title and careers related issues coming last. The smooth flow of pertinent Web Pages to the citizens makes very effective in communication to the people. Finally, the U.S department of Agriculture is presented with complete directory and location map that makes one to trace where it is from anywhere on Earth. It prioritizes food and nutrition then explores its various agencies. It even includes place for reports that manifests its appreciation of releasing periodic reports on various issues. These sites share common characteristic in giving a comprehensible webpage and directory backup which makes them to qualify under the website assessment criteria. That is, all of them are accurate, exudes authority, are objective, consistent with current issues and have wide coverage (International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making & Ehrgott, 2010). However, the web sites omit some essential features like e-mail address if need be. The exhaustive coverage of many issues on the websites is focused to the centrality of US in the world economy that makes it attract even international guests on its website. This is a label on the container of antacid. The design and pattern on it is very significant in how it communicates to the u ser or potential user (In Miller , Wyllie , Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations & Joint Commission Resources, 2006). Fig.1 The visual impression of the path of movement of the medication serves as the first attraction to people. The large fonts used in this label makes more conspicuous and speak louder to what it should be used for. The yellow part with clear information of â€Å"fast acting† reiterates to the user its effectiveness and this boosts the desire and hope of a person to getting relief as soon as it is prescribed and taken. Within the red background of the label is a brief but concise list of all the conditions it can serve to cure. The presentation of the label is brief to the point and even the color is captivating to all and sundry (Jedlicka, 2010). The audience to this information constitutes all the persons with ability to read English and this is inclusive of all age groups in the society who may directly or indirectly affected by a ny of the listed curable conditions.  

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